US seed trading parcel

I received the seed package yesterday but a great grandson was having a birthday party and I was busy wih that. I will add to the package and send it off tomorfrow. Zander sent a very nice selection of seeds!!!!
Wow guys!

Zanderspice, thank you so much for handling this for me.

I apologize for being MIA for the last week, I am glad to see that something is moving again.

I will try to track down the original package if i can and get back to everyone.
Who has the new package now? Hold it an PM me your address. Guess what finally arrived! It was marked .72 postage due. I don't know what happened, maybe it traveled back and forth, but it was finally delivered. Tons of seeds in here. I'll get it out once I know where to send it.
Things are looking up! I'm waiting for the package to arrive from Pepperfever, and once Zander makes his selection from the original package, he will send it to me. I will snarf some seeds, combine the packages, and get it on the way to hixs.

I told you put the best construction on it. :)
Zander and John, I still have the package, was sick and haven't been able to send it on yet. Do you want me to just wait and combine the packages? I can do that then everyone can have a better selection. Jackie

Also I'd love to check out what's in that package of course!!!!!
The original package is now on the way to midwestchilehead. The package was getting a little beat up so I stuck it in a new priority box. Some very nice stuff in there and just what I needed to balance out all my super-hots.
Who has the new package now? Hold it an PM me your address. Guess what finally arrived! It was marked .72 postage due. I don't know what happened, maybe it traveled back and forth, but it was finally delivered. Tons of seeds in here. I'll get it out once I know where to send it.

Didn't expect to hear that. lol.
Hey, when the package ends, can I have another look at it?

Has anyone heard from wickedmojo? It looks like he got skipped. I understand that he was in the process of moving, but someone said they were going to reach out to him. Just wondered if anyone knew his status.
New current plan: Original package is on its way to me. I will send it to pepperfever. She will select seeds from the original, combine the two, and send it back to me. I will select and add seeds Then on to hixs (unless wickemojo gets inserted, once we know his status). Sound good?