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  1. nubster

    Tomato Porn

    I can't wait. I have Brandywine, Purple Cherokee, and Boxcar Willies waiting to go in the ground. Should be a great tomato season if I can keep everyone alive and producing.
  2. nubster

    sun Morning sun or evening sun?

    Yeah...I am probably doing another bed that will be in the other spot that gets morning shade and evening sun. I had some japs, Thai, and Serrano peppers there last year that did pretty well despite a really late start. I will probably do more japs in that spot and the habs in my regular garden.
  3. nubster

    sun Morning sun or evening sun?

    Cool...that's where I went ahead and did the bed. The plants will get morning sun and continued sun until about 5pm and then be in shade the rest of the evening so it should work out really nice. I think I am going to reserve this spot for my scorpions if I can get seedlings started asap.
  4. nubster

    sun Morning sun or evening sun?

    Or does it matter? I am building an 8' x 2' raised bed for some of my peppers and I have two really decent spots for the bed. One gets morning sun and evening shade and the other is the opposite. Both get equal amounts of daytime sun. So does it really matter? Maybe I'll build two beds and try...
  5. nubster

    Chalk One Up For The Dutch Marines...

    That would be intense. There should be a shoot on sight order for the pirates...pretty ridiculous what they are doing.
  6. nubster


    There are several recommended online vendors you might want to check out. Only one I have used thus far is Hippy Seed Company. I just ordered so I have not gotten my seeds yet but the transaction was very smooth and Hippy is very highly recommended.
  7. nubster

    marketing Sauce Marketing

    Not sure the cost effectiveness but you may also consider checking into places that will actually make and bottle your product for you, unless that is something you want to do yourself. There is a place up the road that does it. It wouldn't do you any good but I thought I would throw up a link...
  8. nubster

    Building a seed trade bank

    Unless I misunderstood...I think he is asking how to keep his rare (if obtained) peppers pure so that he will have pure seeds to plant/trade. I am interested in this too as I would like to try to keep my Scorpions pure for future plantings and trading. My habs and japs not as concerned with.
  9. nubster

    Building a seed trade bank

    I just want to echo what others have said about members here being very friendly and helpful folks. In fact, my entire stock of hot peppers this year (my first year making a real attempt at growing) came from a generous donation from a member. Even though they were not rare or exotic it was a...
  10. nubster

    A Sauce You would Never Forget !!

    Smuggler's Delight Smuggler's Pain Bootleg Assassin Bootlegger's Bounty Bootlegger's (or Smuggler's) Booty Bootlegger's Booty Blaster As you can tell, I'm not very good at
  11. nubster

    Can this thing be for real?

    Imagine that argument over borrowing the car when the kid is 16. Kid - "Can I borrow the car?" Father - "No." Kid - "Why not?" Father - "Because I said so." Kid - "Well, I am your uncle and I need to borrow the car." Father - "Oh yeah, well I am your father and I said no."
  12. nubster

    Can this thing be for real?

    I was pulling court room duty one day for family court and there was a hearing where a brother and sister were fighting over the custody of their child. It happens...probably way more often than anyone wants to know.
  13. nubster

    Grow Station

    Very nice...I want to build something this summer for next year. I got such a late start this year it isn't even funny. Next season I hope to have seedlings in March so that my plants (tomatoes and peppers) will be about 8-10 weeks old by the time they hit the garden.
  14. nubster

    human waste compost- Yay or Nay?

    Came across this while watching videos about building raised bed gardens...
  15. nubster

    Fish suggestions??

    I might just do that tonight. Thanks for the recipes....both look really good.
  16. nubster

    Fish suggestions??

    Fish tacos are fantastic. I made and tried some for the first time last month. I had the same thoughts but one day just said heck with it...I'm trying it. I used Tilapia and just seasoned them similar to the way I would have seasoned ground beef or chicken for regular tacos. A quick searing in a...
  17. nubster

    human waste compost- Yay or Nay?

    "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" - Jerry Seinfeld
  18. nubster

    smoking Ribs - Two Ways on the UDS't even notice.
  19. nubster

    seeds Anybody else get seeds from asias garden?

    I was going to order from Asiangarden...some Trinidad Scorpion seeds, but I think I might just get them from Hippy after reading this thread. Price will be about the same anyways and Neil gets great reviews here so nothing to loose.
  20. nubster

    human waste compost- Yay or Nay?

    How is pig manure as a fert. compared to horse or cow? I have access to all three but would like to use the best naturally. Right now all I have been using is horse.