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  1. nubster

    smoking Ribs - Two Ways on the UDS

    I just can't believe there are leftovers.
  2. nubster

    water Distilled water?

    Shouldn't your water department be able to provide up to date test results upon request? If you are on city water that is.
  3. nubster

    water Distilled water?

    You could probably even use a Pur/Brita filter pitcher. Removes chlorine and heavy metals and you could use for drinking water for yourself as well.
  4. nubster

    human waste compost- Yay or Nay?

    I'll pass...I have an unlimited supply of horse and cow poo so I'll stick with that.
  5. nubster

    Show off your compost pile...

    Just thought it would be kinda cool to see other people's composting setups. I just finished building my first and it needs some tweeks but I think it will work out fine. I have to run to Lowes but when I get back I'll post up pics of mine.
  6. nubster

    Growing Morrells...anyone doing it?

    Morrells are about the only mushroom I like and they are pretty hard to come by or very expensive to buy. I saw a couple kits available and spores for sale...I was just wondering if anyone has ever grown them and if so could you share your experience. I would be especially interested in growing...
  7. nubster

    Nubster's 2010 Grow log

    Thanks...I'll probably need it.
  8. nubster

    How far apart should different varieties be?

    True...never really thought about that. I was thinking more airborne pollen. So even if my habs and japs are close or even next to each other there won't be any crossing this year?
  9. nubster

    Nubster's 2010 Grow log

    I figured why not...since I am growing a handful of plants this year it might be cool to keep a log. I have grown a few plants in the past but nothing to major. This year I only have two types started, Jalapeno and Habanero with several varieties of each. I will list what I started later since I...
  10. nubster

    How far apart should different varieties be?

    I have seeds starting (I know, late start) and have 4 different Jalapeno and 5 different Habanero. How far apart should each variety be planted to keep them from crossing?
  11. nubster

    wanted Looking for some Jalapeno and Habenaro seeds

    Mister_Al hooked me up with what seems like a pretty great variety, especially coming from the pretty lame selections from Lowe's/Wal-Mart that I have grown in the past. As far as what I was looking for...not really sure...I just figured there had to something different/better than what was...
  12. nubster

    wanted Looking for some Jalapeno and Habenaro seeds

    I usually buy plants from the local nursery but they usually don't have habs and the Jalapenos leave a lot to be desired in flavor and heat. So I am looking for some quality seeds for both varieties. Checked a couple online vendors I see recommended here but none seemed to have Jalapeno and I...
  13. nubster

    condiment Simple Salsa

    Nice. Not sure what tomatoes mine is made from since they came from my grandad's garden. I made some salsa last week using all cherry tomatoes that was really good and sweet. Not sugar sweet know what I mean. My batch is very mild. I might up the hot stuff with a few more Thai...
  14. nubster

    condiment Simple Salsa

    Works great and leaves the tomato with the perfect salty taste so no need to add more later. You'll be surprised how much liquid is actually released. I know I was.
  15. nubster

    condiment Simple Salsa

    2qt. Diced tomato 4 tbsp Salt Put tomato in a bowl and add salt. Stir well and let sit in the fridge over night. Next day, drain for at least an hour but the longer the better. Do not rinse the tomato. -1 Bell pepper chopped, yellow makes a great contrast but green is fine too. -1 onion...
  16. nubster

    condiment Grandma's Salsa

    Really simple and easy and oh so good, and yes, it really was my grandmother's recipe. 3 qts. Tomato chopped 1 c. Green Pepper chopped 1 c. Onion chopped 1 c. Celery chopped Hot pepper(s) of your choice and quantity 1/4 c. salt Mix and refrigerate over night. Next day drain vegetables for...
  17. nubster

    Noob to Sauce Making...

    I personally use kosher salt for all my cooking.
  18. nubster

    chinense Habanero in the eyes....

    That is what I used numerous times last night and then again this morning. Finally after washing a sink full of dishes did my hands become free of fire. Bad thing is when I put my contacts in after I finally got my hands clean I guess last night I contaminated them so :mouthonfire: They are my...
  19. nubster

    chinense Habanero in the eyes....

    I still cannot get the stuff off my fingers. I don't know how many times I have washed my hands. Every time I get my hands close to my nose or eyes they start to burn. Sucks cause I need to put in my contacts. Guess it is time to invest in a box of latex gloves.
  20. nubster

    chinense Habanero in the eyes....

    HURTS. Goodnight :mouthonfire: