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  1. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    Thanks!     This is one of my 7 pot Bubblegums, which has no pods because I pruned it.     Pepper predator?     This Brain Strain is really taking off now.  What?  You never planted a pepper in your herbs before?     These'll never get big like my bucket stuff, but that Bhut on the right is...
  2. Pepperhead

    The official TOMATO thread

    Those look awesome.  I'm growing what was just labeled "Black Tomato".  Very tall plant, as tall as me (5' 10" or just under 2 meters for you across the ponders)   It's got some nice looking tomatoes started on it.  Can't wait for these to ripen.
  3. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    Big Garden Pic Day!   Pods and plants and stuff.  Will probably need a bump.     First off, none of my peppers grew this well last year.  Shows what good dirt can do.  This is my biggest and most productive Bhut.  Bunch of pods all over it.     Left to right: Big Dorset, Little Dorset, Jonah...
  4. Pepperhead

    Built a vortex compost brewer

    They're ALIENS, I tell ya!
  5. Pepperhead

    pod with hole?

    Found a hole in one of my Dorsets recently.  Opened it up but found no bug.  Coulda been earwigs, I guess.  I tossed it out back in the city drainage ditch so if I missed it it wouldn't get on anything else.
  6. Pepperhead

    I need a new organization system

    I use the Jiffy peat pots and write the names right on them.  At some point I was in a rush to transfer from the original little starter pods to the little peat pots.  Somehow they must have got switched then.  I put some in plastic cups, but my space is kind of limited, so I only use those when...
  7. Pepperhead

    chinense Shabu Shabu Jolokia

    I love me some crazy mystery peppers!  When it's podded out, if you have a few seeds I'd love to try this one.  When you're ready I'll IM you a list for trades.   Keep us updated!
  8. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    Usually I just go during rifle season, but my success rate is much better harvesting peppers.  When I go it's more like armed hiking. Just a quick note on my opinion of arranged marriages.  It is practice that, in the past, may have worked for some cultures as a way of sharing land or combining...
  9. Pepperhead

    shopping What's everyone's experience with myco products?

    I have used Xtreme for all my transfers this year, so I don't have a non mycoed plant as a control, but it definately hasn't hurt any of my plants.  I just sprinkle it into the tranfer hole before putting the plants in.  I also used Jobes fert with Mycos in it as the base fert in my dirt mix. ...
  10. Pepperhead

    I need a new organization system

    I have about 30 peppers, give or take, mostly in buckets.  When they were little they got moved around a lot and possibly switched or mislabeled during transplanting.  More bhuts survived all the handling than anything else (dorsets were a close second).  I'd like at least one regular hab plant...
  11. Pepperhead

    I need a new organization system

    The only other thing I have that resembles that and is currently setting pods are bhuts.  I didn't know whether to be angry or pleasantly surprised.  I did a count earlier in the season and I swear I had more bhut plants than I had original seeds.  I think my arithmetic maybe off.  I have one...
  12. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    Checked my habs today.  Whattaya think:     Kind of unusual looking habs, eh?  A little ghosty looking?  Not what the hab from the grocery store looked like that the seeds came from.  I think I need to label my plants better.
  13. Pepperhead

    I need a new organization system

    So I suspect I know what this is, and possibly how it happened (if not when).  I was walking around my garden today, checking things out.  I was pretty excited because my Habs started setting pods a few days ago.  They are mostly covered in leaves so I've had a hard time seeing them until...
  14. Pepperhead

    lighting Grow lights!

    It's the color temp and lumens you want.  To make it easy look for Daylight lights(for best results).  I used CFLs at 800 and 1450 lumens at about 6500K.  There are guys on here who can explain which temperature is better for what stage of growing, but I used the above with good results for my...
  15. Pepperhead

    OMG Turn Effing Red Already!!!

    The theory seems sound. :)
  16. Pepperhead

    PepperDaddler's 2013 Glog (UPDATE 9/28/13)

    Hey, we're growing a lot of the same stuff.  If your luck with Bhuts and Dorsets is as good as mine, those should produce real well for you.  We'll have to trade for some stuff later.  Excellent start to the season!  Really nice haul!
  17. Pepperhead

    JJJ 2013 Glog- C'est fini. -awmost.

    Nice plants!  I've got some Dorsets and my Jonah just started podding, maybe two or three days before yours.  I wish all my plants looked like yours!
  18. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    OMG!  I was just sitting around thinking about making sauce and stuff and I realized...What the hell am I going to do with myself after the season?  I have been exceptionally garden obsessive this year.  Hunting season is pretty short, and I can only do that for a couple of weeks (I better bone...
  19. Pepperhead

    OMG Turn Effing Red Already!!!

    I pulled one of my Prik Kee nu suans on the 7th.  Nobody else is ripening, but I've got one PK that is definately turning red and will probably be full red by the time I get home in the morning.  I'll try putting it next to something to see if the signal transfers.
  20. Pepperhead

    some of my peppers supper hots and not's!

    My Grocery store habs just grew a pod a few days ago.  But once it started, now they are all over it.   Should there be a "grocery store hab" thread?  Seems to be a popular variety. :)