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  1. newhoppyguy

    pepper accidents

    I have managed to just affect myself with my hobby so far but it was a act that i wont forget for a long while if ever!!! I had just received my very first box of pods and i was so excited so i got right into de-seeding separating (Brainstrain with the coolest little spots of oil in it), reading...
  2. newhoppyguy

    *SOLD* Mixed SFRB of superhots

    Just to be on the safe side this auction will end at 12 noon right and we could say bid 16.23 right :P lol j/k
  3. newhoppyguy

    *SOLD* Mixed SFRB of superhots

    i was curious about that too :) Maybe it was actually 23 and he was just doing the math?
  4. newhoppyguy

    Unsorted Manzano seeds

    i have got them just last wens, sry i didnt post but thank you for the seeds :)  i have got them just last wens, sry i didnt post but thank you for the seeds :) 
  5. newhoppyguy

    seed-train Atomic ghost train

    I'm in!! please? Tried to PM you but looks like your box is full :(
  6. newhoppyguy

    Word Association Thread

  7. newhoppyguy

    create your own box of pods!*CLOSED*

    Got mine on fri!!! Anyone buying these will not be disappointed by them at all!! Awesome peppers Joe!! 
  8. newhoppyguy

    wanted 7 pot bubble gum seeds wanted

    i have found that a lot while looking for them :( i have had luck finding them but no body wants to hand them out because they are unstable, i dont care really if its stable i would just like to see what i could get lol
  9. newhoppyguy

    smoking St. Louis Style.... Am I Doing It Right?

    Not sure if its right or not but damn it sounds good!!!
  10. newhoppyguy

    wanted 7 pot bubble gum seeds wanted

    if you find some let me know i have been looking for a min now.
  11. newhoppyguy

    anybody doing upside down grow?

    i have a gypsy, 2 bells, and a corno di torro all growing in topsy turvy's. they seem to be doing pretty damn decent just curious how the would be doing if they were in the ground tho :) 
  12. newhoppyguy

    Pepperproblem again

    I think an auction would be a great idea, but so would giving it away from all I know of Shawn he was a very giving person!! Either way it is a great thing you are doing for a great person!! What ever you end up doing let me know i would love to get in on this and try to show my respects please
  13. newhoppyguy

    sowing some of these tonight!

    Cant blame you even a little, lol i have a few i hope to get planted this weekend :) 
  14. newhoppyguy

    wanted Want to trade seeds for seeds.

    i have Antilles Fire, and Butch T PM me if interested 
  15. newhoppyguy

    Long time lurker

    :welcome:  from oregon
  16. newhoppyguy

    Carolina Reaper peppers !

    Bakers peppers have them on sale last i knew, might want to check them out 
  17. newhoppyguy

    Word Association Thread

  18. newhoppyguy

    Word Association Thread

  19. newhoppyguy

    Word Association Thread
