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  1. Heisenberg

    fermenting Fermentation and vinegar

    Depends on how low the pH gets, lacto can handle it pretty low though.  Many are likely to die off/go dormant due burning through all the available sugars in the mash.
  2. Heisenberg

    Barrel Aged Hot Sauce

    Both tobasco and Frank's use 'aged' cayennes, which I would assume is the mash itself following the end of ferment.  But like turbo said, the finished product will further age and mellow.  Aging the mash isnt absolutely necessary, just give it at least a few weeks to complete fermenting.  I have...
  3. Heisenberg

    heat Newbie question about heat

    I made a sauce last year with the remainder of my cayennes which didnt ripen (green) and a handful of jalapenos.  I didnt have a lot, and had even less after putting it through the food mill.  So I took all the pulp and seeds out of the mill, threw it in a pot with a half bottle of white wine...
  4. Heisenberg

    how long will it keep?

    Not exactly positive, but i would say 2-3 weeks, so long as you keep it in the fridge. 
  5. Heisenberg

    Tomato paste

      Just trying things out.  When me and the wife go to buffalo wild wings, I generally try all the sauces, and Ive bought a couple (mainly to get a look at the ingredient list ;)  ).  Looking at the ingredients gave  me a couple good ideas, items that I wouldnt have thought of, but may add...
  6. Heisenberg

    Barrel Aged Hot Sauce

    Like Rocket said, after a few weeks, you wont be seeing much more bubbling as the sugars have been used up.  The rest of the time will just be aging.   The hissing sound is good, means that CO2 is escaping...positive pressure, leaving the interior of the fermentation chamber anaerobic.   Cook...
  7. Heisenberg

    Tomato paste

    I tried making a couple test batches this past weekend using tomato paste, and some dried peppers/powder.  It was mainly to test out the effect of adding the paste.  It really didnt turn out as I hoped, but I dont think all is lost.  First I think I used too much, with it being the base of the...
  8. Heisenberg

    Pasilla bajio peppers

    Started this years crop for my sauces indoors from seed.  Trying a bunch of new peppers, lots of the superhots, but a couple mild ones that I plan to use to cut the superhots with for the people that cant handle the paint-peeling kind.  One of the mild ones is the Pasilla bajio pepper.  From...
  9. Heisenberg

    Tomato paste

    Most of the bbq sauces and a good number of hot sauces that I like seem to have tomato paste as an ingredient.  So Ive been thinking of experimenting with it in my sauces this year.  I figure with the rich taste of tomato paste, it should be a nice addition to the hot bbq/wing sauces.  Anyone...
  10. Heisenberg

    GMO - yes or "hell no" ?? and why?

    This should put this arguement to rest:
  11. Heisenberg

    Growing Poblanos

    Thanks for all the responses guys, I think I may check out those anaheims.  :surprised:
  12. Heisenberg

    Growing Poblanos

    I have a question for those of you who have grown Poblanos.  I will be growing a bunch of super hots this year for my sauces, but not everyone I know can handle my heat levels so I need to tone some of it down.  I love the taste of ghosts and was thinking of cutting them with something like...
  13. Heisenberg

    fermenting Peppers not fermenting or fermenting slowly?

    I dont mean to disagree RM, but I would sooner put a couple tbsp of table sugar in the jar than agave.  Certain strains of lactobacillus will not readily ferment fructose, but most will do sucrose.  High fructose agave is like 80% fructose, so there will be other saccharides in there, and you...
  14. Heisenberg

    What are your top 5 Superhot you intend to gros this year ?

    Ghosts Trinidad moruga scorpions Carolina Reapers Naga Vipers Douglah
  15. Heisenberg

    pH pH meter, tester

    The problem with litmus Is it's color based and any color from your sauce will affect the interpretation of the pH.
  16. Heisenberg

    fermenting Jalapeño and Garlic Mash.

    The fermented sauce has the potential to have a lower pH since lactic acid has a lower pka than acetic acid. with a fermented sauce you very more of a sour taste than a vinegary taste.
  17. Heisenberg

    Oil separation?

      You shouldnt open a jar thats fermenting.  If you dont have an airlock, just shake the bejeezus out of it and burp the container after.  Do that about once a day as needed.
  18. Heisenberg

    Fresh vs Dry pods -- a Sauce experiment

    If you started with 3 cups or fresh and 2 cups of dry, I would say that it took a lot mot peppers to give you those 2 cups of dry, since the moisture will make up the bulk of the pods.  Since only the water is removed while drying, the dried up pods will still have all their sugars.  So I would...
  19. Heisenberg

    Oil separation?

    Yea the CO2 bubbles within the chopped peppers makes them light and float on top of the brine.  I dont know if you have an airlock or not, if no, then shake it up to get all the air to the top, then burp the jar.   If you do have an airlock, dont shake it, maybe swirl it to try to get the air to...
  20. Heisenberg

    fermenting Garlic and Shallot mash

    No real timeline, I just take one of the pills, crush it up with a spoon, and add it to my mason jar of chopped peppers/brine, and give it a good mix.  I did play around a bit with incubating the powder in a slight nutrient supplement to get it going quicker, but the difference was nominal. ...