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  1. DocB

    Habanero Honey Sauce

    Hey Capsicum....I made three batches of this stuff and my coworkers at the hospital went nuts over it! Fantastic (yet simple) recipe. Thanks for the post! This is now one of my favorites.
  2. DocB

    Ford's Fiery foods and plants- New product

    Those are awesome!
  3. DocB

    Safi Red. . . . maybe???

    Holy Smokes! those are huge Habaneros. If that's what they are, message me, I'll happily trade you a jar of my homemade Mango Habanero Hot Sauce for some seeds.
  4. DocB

    auction SFRB HOT POD Auction (( CLOSED ))

    shoulda started it at 12. megaspokaneman is selling SFRB's for $20
  5. DocB

    auction Auction-Holiday Gift set of Gourmet Powders --Closes tonight at Midnight

    I'm out... my wife only gave me $45 to play with. D@mnit!
  6. DocB

    correction....hoping to win some spices tomorrow night!

    correction....hoping to win some spices tomorrow night!
  7. DocB

    auction Auction-Holiday Gift set of Gourmet Powders --Closes tonight at Midnight

    My mistake....wishful thinking !
  8. DocB

    auction Auction-Holiday Gift set of Gourmet Powders --Closes tonight at Midnight

    doesn't this expire at midnight tonight?
  9. DocB

    Hoping to win some spices tonight!

    Hoping to win some spices tonight!
  10. DocB

    My First Hot Sauce

    looks good, i'm wondering what you could thin it out with so you could use ur bottles....?
  11. DocB

    food Fresh Bird Peppers - What Should I do

    If I were u.... I'd freeze a giant bag of them, take a small handful and throw 'em in some foil along with a few cloves of garlic, baby carrots, sweet onion, and roast them in there for a while. Then, I'd throw it all in the blender along with some cooked roma tomatoes and sea salt. I wouldn't...
  12. DocB

    My first hot pepper hot sauce making experience.....

    I have definitely learned a very important lesson and just today picked up a burner at a garage sale that I can plug in outside!
  13. DocB

    My first hot pepper hot sauce making experience..... After what I went through tonight, I just want to say that you people are Super Human...... DocB
  14. DocB

    Want to throw a shout-out to MegaSpokaneMan for the sfrb of pods. Thanks for the quick shipping...

    Want to throw a shout-out to MegaSpokaneMan for the sfrb of pods. Thanks for the quick shipping...
  15. DocB

    -Been asked to Hot Talk at elementry school-

    I'm not a pepper aficionado like most of you folks on this site but i've been working with kids and putting on presentations for different groups for years. Kids are captivated by interactive stuff. I would say hand out surgical gloves to everyone, do the anatomy of a pepper with something mild...
  16. DocB


    I love spicy food and a couple months ago started growing with about 30 plants going. I've got limited types (Jalapeno, orange habs, serrano, fatalli) and just got some great pods from megaspokaneman on this site. I'm in my 40's and I feel like a kid again, getting stuff in the mail and sending...
  17. DocB

    Why do we grow and or eat Chili Peppers ?Tell your story.

    I went to a medical mission trip in the mountains of central Mexico with my parents when I was a child and one morning, a lady made chilaquiles. I was about 8 years old and I went back for two more servings although they were literally on fire. No one else was finishing their dishes and my dad...
  18. DocB


    Where can I send a few jars. I made a batch of pineapple coconut habanero last night.