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  1. G

    seeds Age of seed effect Germination?

    Yeah, I am more specifically talking about the Dorset Naga's, got some last week, and by gosh they were lovely. kept the seeds, but the pods didnt hang around. I had one whole pod yesterday with my meal. Kept the seeds however. If I had loads would have just let the pod dry out and only...
  2. G

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    Chicken, veg and egg Kung Ho and Five Spice stir fry with noodles with a Dorset naga. Yum.
  3. G

    seeds Age of seed effect Germination?

    I have a kind of wooden cigar type box which I plan to store them with, along with a couple of Silica bags to keep moisture down. I plant to dry them and seal in little baggies according to plant type. However, I plan to plant them on only in a couple of months, but wondered what effect this...
  4. G

    seeds Age of seed effect Germination?

    Had a quick query. Being fairly new to the chili growing scene, I have only grown seeds straight from Pod pretty much or a week old. Does the age of a seed effect germination? I know of the techniqies used (know of the tea soaking, or just water soaking) before sowing for seeds, but do old...
  5. G

    Chilli Pepper Golden Fire ???

    Got myself a few seeds also. Will save them for next year. The good thing about these are they are prolific, loads of pods, which is nice as you can pick as you go sort of thing. Keep it by the kitchen, can pick them whilst cooking.:lol:
  6. G

    Chilli Pepper Golden Fire ???

    Have to agree there. Taste like a cayenne. I have had a few and they are not that spicy for my liking. I would say again Cayenne level spice too. Nice for adding colour to dishes though:P
  7. G

    Chilli Pepper Golden Fire ???

    The flower is purple, with a whiteish strip/centre on each petal. Took a pic, but cant get the pic on computer till the weekend.
  8. G

    Chilli Pepper Golden Fire ???

    Yep, sure mine is purple flowers but might have white in it, will try take a pic. Yeah, they are purple, and go fully yellow when ripe i beleive, with some having purple shade bits.
  9. G

    Chilli Pepper Golden Fire ???

    Aye, Its a pretty plant, lots of colour, the flowers are purple. The plants has gained a few more leaves since i took this photo, it grows fast from the looks.
  10. G

    seeds Germination Box

    Hi, I have got a similar box, be abit smaller, and a CFL light instead, but think I may add a Fan also. Have a spare PC fan also, however I used a Boyonet cap lighting to a single power unit (two wires to the light from the power). I noticed the Fan also has two, can I daisy chain from the...
  11. G

    Chilli Pepper Golden Fire ???

    CHILLI ID PLEASE : Chilli Pepper Golden Fire ??? Hello All, I have bought a plant from a garden fair in Leeds (UK) about a month ago. The plant is small, no more then 12" high. It has plenty of chilli's (about 30 I reckon), and have tried some, and fairly spicy, nothing to write home about...
  12. G

    Football anyone???

    Ha ha. Man U Lost. Mwhahahhahaha Regret selling Ron and Tev now I bet. Andy, from Bremen, assume you a Werder Breman Fan?
  13. G

    Growing Naga

    Will try that tonight. Thanks
  14. G

    Growing Naga I was curious so did a search. They indeed originate from that part of the world. Its seems Northeast India and Bangladesh is where they grow best too.
  15. G

    Growing Naga

    Yeah, my mum is from Bangladesh (near India), so she grew up with them and most people grew them with ease there, and my dad adores them so buys them still on a weekly basis. She gave up as she found them hard work. We like them very very hot, and the Naga's that originate from there tend to be...
  16. G

    Growing Naga

    Right, now you have got me. Whats the paper towel method?
  17. G

    Growing Naga

    True. I need to get myself a Proporgator :)
  18. G

    Growing Naga

    They did look healthy to me but aint seen that many seeds, but can take pics later and post them up on here? That were tiny, roundish, and fairly flat with a cream/yellow colour?
  19. G

    Hello All

    Thanks for the welcome guys.:onfire:
  20. G

    Growing Naga

    Excellent news folks, got a large selection of seeds in which case, does it matter how long I have had them? As I think Ileft them on the window sill for about 2-3 months now? to dry out a little.