food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

thanks TB...I have everything but shallots...can I substitute white onion ?
AlabamaJack said:
thanks TB...I have everything but shallots...can I substitute white onion ?

Absolutely! Guys like you and me AJ, live on the edge! We're on the rampage and out of control. We make the rules and breakem'!
Gots to go...mrs. blues comin'!
gonzomagic said:
Chicken, veg and egg Kung Ho and Five Spice stir fry with noodles with a Dorset naga. Yum.

redeyeguy said:
New England clam chowder with lots of Black Mamba sauce splashed in. Yum!:mouthonfire:

Every 'thang sounds great but....the rule is ya' gotta' take pics and post them...or it never happened.

Salute', TB.
Yup...caught it myself by accident as I was trolling down the fish market section of Central Market (yeah, I ass)...

I haven't fished in years....agree fresh is best though
Leftovers day... ;-)

A nice soup made outa leftover frozen Buffalo Mac, smoked sun-dried tomatos, basil, rosemary, carrot, onion, celery, beef stock, 1/2 a potato diced, and fresh a Datil chile.

Served with pepperjack cheese toast w/ garlic.


Brekky Burrito

Leftover steak & scrambled eggs with mushrooms, refried beans, pepper 'n spices, pepperjack, and a whole minced up "Red Habanero X" chile.




Thx and Props to Cappy for the yummy peppers!

Thx gents!

Oh and yes, the burrito was made to be warm and toasty in the CI skillet.
The soft taco size torts JUST fit in the damn 9" pan, the bigger ones don't though. :(

Might be mayhem tonight...good shoppin' day today...

I got boneless chicken boobs for 1.88/lb, beautiful big jalapenos and crimini shroomz, fresh sourdough bunz, and some awesome 'lil sweet tomatoes from

Oh, and thanks to Cappy, I haz THESE:

Tonight, I made a roast. It was actually just beef sirloin steaks.

I don't normally measure, but go by eye.

It was olive oil, a splash of basalmic vinegar, parsley, basil, and my mix of dried herbs (i forgot what is in it...) all mixed together and poured over the steaks. I added about 2 tablespoons of dried red habs and a teaspoon of dried datils. I cut up a lemon and put a slice on each steak. I also chopped up some red potatoes and added them. I added a little water to keep the steaks moist, covered and popped in the oven at 350* for about 1.5 hours.

It had enough heat to make the top of my head itch, but not so hot, I couldn't enjoy my steak.

If you want a more accurate recipe, ask me in the morning when im sober.
