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  1. Jayman

    Any Walking Dead Fans?

    Walking dead rocks, so much better then shows like True Blood that invent a new monster every season. :crazy:
  2. Jayman

    Dear Thief Who Emptied Our PayPal Account

    So glad to read you got your money back. It is a horrible thing to see someone lose their hard earned money to some theif. Here in Australia, Paypal are advertising that they are safer then credit card. After reading this post I have serious doubts about paypal. As a buyer, if I'm defrauded with...
  3. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Any of you guys ever used Nitrosol? I used it last week, and so far so good. I bought it because it has more nitrogen and potassium, and less phosphorus. Harved recommended dosage as per usual.
  4. Jayman

    Megamoo's 2012/2013 Glog

    Amazing amount of work you have put into your place Megamoo. You talk about others learning from your mistakes, but it isn't just mistakes you can learn from. Like not giving up. I'm happy if my plants look half as healthy as yours look. :P
  5. Jayman

    Jmans 2012/2013 Aussie growlog

    The four leaf kind of baby. ;) Not sure what these are, no tags from me being lazy. I've changed over to Debco, just added abit of blood and bone. Thanks Trippa, still have issues but I'm on my way to getting on top of things. Had some chilli at a friends place yesterday and burned my...
  6. Jayman

    Jmans 2012/2013 Aussie growlog

    Figured it was about time I updated my glog, its only been what, 5 months. Out of my first batch of seeds most didn't survive. I have 3 big jims, a black hungarian, a Jalapeno, and 1 or 2 anuums and my one and only Fatalli which I have no more seeds. Tomorrow I will re-pot these babies. Black...
  7. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    HA..... you fell for Meez trap. Admitting that your garden is unsorted! and you only pretend you know what your talking about. :evil: Actually I'm good at pretending like I know what I'm talking about. Like pollitics, defending Craig Thomson saying, "Whats wrong with using union funds to pay...
  8. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Ferozaj I have no idea what it is, I would say KILL THEM, KILL THEM ALL! I have some aphids on one of my seedlings I'm trying to see if I can use the local wasps that hang around my plants to kill them. I don't know I was pretty drunk at the time I posted that. I assumed Moo and Gas were...
  9. Jayman

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Are you looking at it though a mobile phone? That may explain it. :D Problem is if you are this big, you have to find a woman willing to let you use it.
  10. Jayman

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Atleast they will protect you from child support payments. And you can roll them back up and reuse them.
  11. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Looks just like the sun scale I had on my plants few months back. :confused: Hmmm looks abit like my Jalapeno. :liar: Why are u and moo in the this popularity contest? While you two fight Mezo is getting all the fans. :party: Go Mezo, Go Mezo! Gas my Aji Lemon is looking awesome. Havn't...
  12. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    That bin isnt what the compost was made in. Was taken out of this. Um I have no idea how compost works, you put stuff in it and it turns to dirt. :P Does that answer your question? Sry I can't give an answer that is useful. This compost was made years ago, I really need to get the bin setup...
  13. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    I'm pretty sure my local nursery has Debco, I will have to check out what they have. I have to say I think I made a mistake buying the potting mix I bought, my plants aren't doing very well for the most part. Most of my seedlings have failed including my Fataii's :tear: Only survivors are 3 X...
  14. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Do you think paper wasps would rape aphids? wondering because I did have some aphids in the winter on my plants. Now the sun is out and the wasps are out. I get afew paper wasps hovering round my plants and the aphids are nowhere to be seen. If so I stand corrected on me saying that wasps have...
  15. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Looking good Junglerain, I think your seeds section would be better if you had more descriptions. For example I bought zimbabwe birdseye's from a site last year (can't remember the name). Part of my reasoning for buying them is because their cold tolorant, and I think I should be able to grow...
  16. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Thanks for the info, thats a relief. They are getting sun now for the first time in months so that explains that, and transplant shock probably don't help. I think the curling maybe because of being rootbound in the old 10cm pot I had them in.
  17. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Hi guys, having some issues with my plants, not sure what is happening. I don't think it is aphids, mites or overwatering. Maybe fungi? Sry about the fingers, new phone and still getting used to it. Atleast my pictures are infocus with this new phone.
  18. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    From what I've been told frost kills chilli plants and at 1 degree not sure I would take that risk.
  19. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Thats not mine hehe. I used Amgrow Vege mix. (not actual name) $10 for 30 litres is good imo. Not mixing with anything. I used the same stuff last year, and surprising it is better this year, less big bits of twigs etc. Tell you one thing, it most certainly doesn't need a wetting agent, it holds...
  20. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Hey guys, longtime no see. Chilli season is here, time to get into my gardening. :P Good news is most of my plants have survived the winter outside. Even if I do plan on ripping up all but one of my all my bigger nursey plants. I have 11 plants that were overwintered outside in 10cm pots. Just...