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  1. Jayman

    Jmans 2012/2013 Aussie growlog

    This is my second year growing, first grow log. Sorry havn't talked to anyone lately, had few health issues + work issues. Having alot of issues with my feet atm, making it hard for me to do gardening. Have afew plants to uproot this year, most my plants are still going well outdoors. I should...
  2. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Normally it is best to start your seedlings at the start of spring or end of winter, some people start earlier indoors under lights to try maximise their season. If you get frost this winter it may kill your plants. So you may need to move them inside if thats the case, or use a green house...
  3. Jayman

    heat World's Hottest Chilli

    I don't know about in other countries, but in Australia I would say the vast majority of people including those that like to eat hot chilli, have no idea what breeds of chillies are actually out there. I've talked to many people who believe that the smaller a chilli is, the hotter it is. That...
  4. Jayman

    Triple boost-worm,fish seaweed based plants fertiliser

    I have been planning to try this product. I'm no expert but personally I would make it half the strength it recommends and use it every 2 weeks.
  5. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Picked some chillies today :cool: then decided to do some seed work. I had some dried seeds that needed to be bagged and tagged, and I wanted to cut up some pods for more seed. While cutting up some Anuums, and burning my mouth out eating them, I thought it be worth seeing what the heat...
  6. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Yesterday morning while I was hanging out my washing, I decided it was high time to try my Choc habanero (if it is choc hab is debatable). Somehow I forgot how hungover I was, and the fact that I hadn't eaten much. I figured it would probably be like my last two habanero nots that I've tried and...
  7. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Timmy those pods look awesome, are the yellow pods Fatali?
  8. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Yeah rookie mistake, atleast their consistently inconsistent. I do have some plants from seed, but their still babies, won't be getting fruit off them this year. uh-oh just of chilli up my nose :mouthonfire:
  9. Jayman

    Why cant i set a new profile photo???????????

    Would be nice if it told you what the size limit was, or that the file was too large instead of some meaningless fail message.
  10. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Updated Peach something tried to get a better pic (yellow hab not) The yellow hab not plant Orange hab not Serrano 1 Serrano 2 Yeah they were are darker green to start with some of them still are, the color is the pics isn't 100%.
  11. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Talking about nots Top two are Yellow Habanero not the color in the picture is crap the pod is more of a peach color, and Orange Habanero not, this pod is smaller and different shape the other pods on the plant. The others are Red hots, and the small ones are Zimbabwe's. Orange Hab not cut...
  12. Jayman

    seeds Soaking seeds first

    I'm yet to try soaking seeds, but after trying to germinate without soaking I would say it is worth a shot. None of my seeds (other than Annums) worked in under 2 weeks. One lot of seeds (choc bhuts) took over a month and most of my germination rates were 50%. One trick I've heard of is using a...
  13. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Finally re-potted my plant this morning. Must say I'm very dissapointed with flower power (our local nursery). For a store as big as that, it has stuff all in the way of ferts, and they seem to only supply certain brands (Yates, Amgrow, Debro, etc). Not a since fert with worm castings. Stores...
  14. Jayman

    New to growing Chilli plants

    Sydney Australia so Sept is start of spring, personally you could start bit earlier with right setup with lights etc but not something I know anything about really. Personally I think you Americans have better info on growing indoors, I'm just trying to give basic info. Some nice points of...
  15. Jayman

    New to growing Chilli plants

    Yeah they need to be re-potted for sure. I'm still new at this so don't take my word as God. 1. Be careful with watering, it is all too easy to over water chilli plants, especially when their young with a small root system 2. Nursery plants maybe easy to start, and for your first attempt is...
  16. Jayman

    Happy Australia Day to our friends there!

    Aussie Aussie Aussie! I'm not hungover.... just keep drinking that fixes the problem. The important thing about Australia day is......... we all get paid to have a day off work, down at the beach and get shit faced. What could be better? If only the Indian's could give us a 5 day game of...
  17. Jayman

    G'day from Sydney

    :welcome: Chillifreak You came to the right place, the people here really know their stuff, and we have a good Aussie community going on. I'm new the the whole growing chillies thing myself and I've found this site to be a great source of information.
  18. Jayman

    Maximum Growth With Foliar Feeding

    Thank you for the information, this is a real eye opener.
  19. Jayman

    Deep Fried Turkey

    From what I've heard the big danger is deep frying a frozen turkey, basically it turns into a big fire bomb. Oil and water don't mix.
  20. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    I do want to add another fert to my eco amingro/seasol combo. I have used Nitrophoska, which I just sprinkled on the soil and watered in, but even then that was 2 months ago. Thinking of using powerfeed, also considering looking for something with worm castings.