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  1. Minion s1

    maggot problem =(

    ok i'm pretty sure my soil wasn't contaminated i just seen pics of fungus gnat larvae, and they look exactly like what were eating my seeds/seedling roots there were gnats hanging around my seedlings when this started, so this makes sense:neutral:
  2. Minion s1

    indoor indoor plants?

    well i'm a lil low on space, and i want to keep my plants from crossing, so i was thinking i'd just keep the fatalii in my window sill this summer would it be alright in terms of polination on it's own? or would i need to take a water color paint brush and polinate it myself?
  3. Minion s1

    Minion's 2010 peppers

    just transplanted my plants last night into some pots 2 on left are red fresno 1 in middle is a fatalii 2 on right are jalapeno
  4. Minion s1

    seeds Anyone Using Jiffy Peat Pellets for Germinated Seeds?

    i tried peat pellets this year and had good results 4/4 red fresno sprouted 9/12 fatalii sprouted
  5. Minion s1

    this a disease?

    well i figured the mat would help evaporate the water, and cause this to be less of an issue
  6. Minion s1

    this a disease?

    reintroducing my seedling heat mat should help right?
  7. Minion s1

    this a disease?

    oh, good i thought i might have to kill my plant to keep it from spreading
  8. Minion s1

    this a disease?

    i've had spider mites before, and i know that is not the case... yep did a google image search...that's definately what it is are there any major problems that this causes? and is it contageous?
  9. Minion s1

    this a disease?

    not the best quality...but heres some pics
  10. Minion s1

    this a disease?

    on my red fresno i've noticed a ton of tiny lumps underneath the leaves i'll try and upload some pics later
  11. Minion s1

    Growing Peppers Upside Down?

    topsy turvy has a new 1, specifically for peppers... but 2 of the sample pics are fake, and 1 doesn't look very promising they reccomend growing 2 plants per hole :rolleyes: (7 holes)
  12. Minion s1

    plant pot question

    well the thing is i'm in an apartment atm (facing east :() and i only have room for a few plants, and spacing the varieties apart is also an issue...
  13. Minion s1

    plant pot question

    i've seen other people grow 2+ plants in 1 container, and i was thinking i might try it about what size of a pot should i use if i wanted to grow 2 jalapeno plants in a single pot?
  14. Minion s1

    Minion's 2010 peppers

    most of my peppers were killed by grub worms, in the soil i bought :( this is a red fresno, and is 1 of the survivors it was growing a bit leggy, so it's roots ended up at the bottem of the cup when i transplanted it, and i just burried it from there... and as a result, it has a bunch of...
  15. Minion s1

    soil soil sterilizing?

    miracle grow cactus mix
  16. Minion s1

    soil soil sterilizing?

    any suggestions on a good soil i could switch to?
  17. Minion s1

    soil soil sterilizing?

    would putting bags of soil, that may or may not be contaminated with something like grub worms, or spider mites, ect. into a freezer for a length of time, kill off the infestation(s)? and would there be any down sides?
  18. Minion s1

    maggot problem =(

    do you keep using that soil(s) all season, or do i need to switch to something else after a certain point?
  19. Minion s1

    maggot problem =(

    there doesn't appear to be as many now. and a few of my plants survived i planted some of my spare seeds in some peat pellets about a week ago to increase my chances of growing some plants this year. does anyone have any suggestions on soil i could buy at walmart/lowes, that wouldn't have...
  20. Minion s1

    maggot problem =(

    well, in the cells i planted my jalapenos in, there are alot of them...i found about 3-4 inside of each seed (these things are tiny) there only seem to be a few in each cell of my other plants; but there are too many to count in the soil my jalapenos were in =/ miracle grow, cactus mix