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  1. Wustenfuchs

    Brand New Chile Head

    Welcome from California! :welcome:
  2. Wustenfuchs

    Contest - Purees - Winner

    Good job jblo!
  3. Wustenfuchs

    free Free seed contest ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

    Thanks for the chance!   36
  4. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Worm gear  
  5. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    book burner  
  6. Wustenfuchs

    My very first Review: Naga Jolokia

    Nice!   Hey, I'm your first YT subscriber!   :)
  7. Wustenfuchs

    travel Ajijoe is back from Vacation

    Sounds like you had a great time.  Welcome back! :)
  8. Wustenfuchs

    New from Knoxville, TN!

    Welcome Arthur! :)
  9. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Rice burner   1961 Honda RC162, 250cc.
  10. Wustenfuchs

    This Has Made My Week! :D

    Woah!  Really nice find!
  11. Wustenfuchs

    Hello Fellow Hot Heads!

    Welcome Alden! :)
  12. Wustenfuchs

    Contest - Purees - Winner

    Awesome contest, thanks!   760
  13. Wustenfuchs

    Greetings chile-folk!

    I don't remember the heritage but this one is a cross of T. pachanoi and another Trichocereus species.  The munch mark was courtesy of my (then) 6 or 7 year old son wielding some unknown  garden implement.   I really don't do much for it.  I'll toss a handful of organic tomato ferts into the...
  14. Wustenfuchs

    Hello from Martinez, CA !

    Hello Ron, welcome to THP! :welcome:
  15. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Bear Flag  
  16. Wustenfuchs

    What's up guys!

    Welcome Andrea!
  17. Wustenfuchs

    Greetings chile-folk!

    Nice cacti Carlton!  I have an old battle scarred Trichocereus myself.  It's bloomed (night bloomer!) 4 or 5 times in the 20 something years I've had it, I've attached pics of the last time it flowered, 2 years ago.  
  18. Wustenfuchs

    Greetings chile-folk!

    Welcome Carlton, from the SF Bay Area!   :cheers:  
  19. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Prison Blues  
  20. Wustenfuchs

    Top 10 Annoying Stereotypes About New Orleans

    Yeah, well everyone says California is full of weirdos and hippies........  uh, never mind. :)