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Top 10 Annoying Stereotypes About New Orleans

Yeah, that's kind of like when I moved to CA from TX.
- People asked if we had an oil well in our backyard. Um no.... we lived in a suburb just like suburbs in any other state.
- Ok, did I have a "shotgun" wedding? Um no.... I didn't have my first child until after I was married a couple years. (And does this strike you as being as rude as one can get???)
- Did I drop out of high school? Um no.... again: How ever did I manage to achieve a high-ranking job with an international firm if I didn't have at least a high school diploma?
- Or this: You don't sound like you're from TX. Really? What is a Texan "supposed" to sound like? Yes, the reality is that some people use a "Texan twang", but not so much those from large cities.
- My fav: Well, you wouldn't know what Asian food tastes like, as you probably only eat barbeque and Mexican food. Wrong again. Houston (where I grew up) is actually a very international town. You can find food there from any part of the globe, made by people whose origins are that part of the globe, and made in authentic style. Not like here in OH, where the restaurants "midwesternize" everything until it's bland and boring. 
So yeah, all y'all over in N'Awlins jest have fun wid dat - ya hear?! LOL
Not all New Yorkers sound like the NY accent on TV. Even people born and raised here. It is thick in the Italian American community, and certain parts of the city, but for the most part, we sound normal.
"How you doin, lemme get a pound a moot'za'rel, and a pound a pru'zshute and gabba'gool (yeah, that one is capicola, lol). Oh, and one ganoli."
"mani'gort with rigortta" manicotti with ricotta.
Everybody thinks everyone in Twisp knows Hank, both of them. wait... true.

They also think we all own guns. dammit... also true.

I aint very good at this game.

Ok here's one misconception that I would appreciate you all could get straight...
We don't all "prefer" to use indoor plumbing!

And yes, MOST of our roads are paved.
Glad you got a signal when trying to post that Scovie :lol:
Don't forget yuppies in SUV's and the tech geeks...

Don't all the aging Hippies own all the high end eateries and such these days?

Grow the gazillion $ a gram Medical pot and the must have crap for the high end eateries.

All the organic and specialty crap(super high priced stuff/veggies/cheeses/wine) are hippies getting back at the guys who gave them grief in the 60's. :)
hehehehehe.... yep, we're all stereotyped. Some stereotypes have a bit of legitimacy, but c'mon man..... Glad to see that everyone here gets the same treatment! I play up the N'awlins stereotype sometimes, just because it's fun..... but hey, we're all just regular people. And yes. I have all of my own teeth. I was asked once "are you from up north somewhere? You sound too smart to be from here." INSULT!!!! Sooooo because I tend to enunciate and use words like enunciate, I can't be from Louisiana? To quote the infamous Ochocinco, child please!

Tinben said:
Yuns alta  just be glad y'all ain't from Tennessee. Yes I love my overalls.  :dance:
How long is your beard these days, bro? lol
The Hot Pepper said:
Not all New Yorkers sound like the NY accent on TV. Even people born and raised here. It is thick in the Italian American community, and certain parts of the city, but for the most part, we sound normal.
"How you doin, lemme get a pound a moot'za'rel, and a pound a pru'zshute and gabba'gool (yeah, that one is capicola, lol). Oh, and one ganoli."
"mani'gort with rigortta" manicotti with ricotta.
Oh come on... you mean you've never told a tourist asking for the time "whaddooo I look like big fookin' Ben to you, ahhh?"