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  1. Pash

    Epsom Salt

    Thank you, this was exactly the info I need. I found this thread by doing a search for "Epsom Salt." It's a lot easier to find the info you need when someone makes a thread with the subject matter is the title of the thread; thanks megahot. I will keep digging through the site for more useful...
  2. Pash

    Plant Warrior Pots

    I'm looking into these pots, has anyone here used them? Cheers, Rob
  3. Pash

    Haha, I hear that!

    Haha, I hear that!
  4. Pash

    wanted Wanted: Paprika- dulce rojo paprika & Alma Paprika Seeds

    I have some Alma Paprika but am away from my seed box until Monday night. I will check back then to see if you are still in need. Cheers.
  5. Pash

    organic Organic fertilizer.

    I have two worm farms and a compost bin and implemented inoculated fava beans as a cover crop for the first time last year. I've got pulverized egg shells at the ready for Calcium. This is my first year growing peppers from seed. I've bought some Alaska Fish Fertilizer for use later. I used...
  6. Pash

    Pash Gets Serious

    Cruising through my neighborhood recently, I noticed a couple dried up pepper plants in a neighbor's yard. Then I saw the guy in his garage last week and asked him about the peppers, and found out they were a Jalapeno and a Hab. He was planning on planting more this season and said he likes hot...
  7. Pash

    Slow to Germinate

    +1 Also, are you using a heat mat? And did you pre-soak? And, if so, for how long?
  8. Pash

    media Simple windowsill Jiffy pot propogation idea

    I'm also a big fan of using bottles for gardening. Great post!
  9. Pash

    Doomsday Seedbank

    I'm bumping this four year old thread, because The Atlantic recently followed up on The Svalbard Global Seed Vault. It's an interesting read, check it out.
  10. Pash

    seeds New to growing peppers from seeds

    On more thing that might be helpful: if you have a food thermometer around, stick it in a few of the cells to check the temperature. In my case my heat mat and dome got my seeds above 90 at times, and temperatures were different in different areas of the tray. The dome can raise the temperature...
  11. Pash

    Hahahaha; Never say never!!!

    Hahahaha; Never say never!!!
  12. Pash

    Preseason Capsaicin Tolerance Training has begun: eating my second store bought orange Hab of...

    Preseason Capsaicin Tolerance Training has begun: eating my second store bought orange Hab of the day. My fellow students may be wondering what's with the drooling guy in the computer lab.
  13. Pash

    Happy Birthday Butch T!

    Happy Birthday, Butch!!! :party:
  14. Pash

    wanted Wanted unusual heirloom tomato seeds

    *high-five* You're very welcome!
  15. Pash

    Selling plants as well as sauces/salsas

    The first thing I would do is figure out how to lower the cost of your pots and soil. Also, instead of Dixie Cups, try nursery pots. They are the same price as cups, and give your operation a more professional look. In Southern California, peppers are $3 or $6 at Home Depot. The Fullerton...
  16. Pash

    MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!

    I'm loving the videos, MGold! It's my first year growing peppers from seed as well, and I'm learning a lot from watching your process. To respond to your poll: I pot up based on the roots. In my case, when my fastest growing seedling had roots coming out of it's peat pot, I potted up almost...
  17. Pash

    media To those of you using jiffy pellets....

    +1 I transplanted as soon as I saw roots, and removed netting (carefully.)
  18. Pash

    STC3248, Just Another Grow Log! Holiday Harvest!

    Holy cow, those leaves on the Wild Brazil look super fat! Mine is getting a slow start. And that Tepin looks like it is going to explode once it gets outside. Nice work!
  19. Pash

    Pash Gets Serious

    Hahaha! I did use that bag to carry both the soil and the 1020 trays, but my bike has gears, thankfully. I've only carried that kind of weight a few times, and my back always lets me know it's not happy about it. Man that's a bummer about the beans. Thanks for letting me know about the gnat's...
  20. Pash

    Pash Gets Serious

    After taking this photo, I decided to pot up. Roots were starting to poke through the peat on my strongest plants. Because I planned on taking the 'jackets' off the peat pots when I transplanted, I decided to act now. I wanted to keep from disturbing the roots too much when I removed the...