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  1. xgrafcorex

    Motorcycle expo...... (lots of big pics)

    Damn, how did I miss this thread!? KTM RC8R :drooling: :drooling: Also a big fan of the Super Duke 990 R. Don't really see too many (if any) KTMs around here. Did they have that new BMW 1000cc super sport? It isn't on sale yet (I don't think) but they made it to compete directly with...
  2. xgrafcorex


    Happy Birfday! :cheers:
  3. xgrafcorex

    How 'Bout Dem Cowboys....

    We'll see today. I'm sure we'll be looking good and then botch an extra point and lose. Or at least something to that effect. :lol:
  4. xgrafcorex

    Black Mamba - CaJohns

    The thing I love about Black Mamba, besides the ingredients list, is that it mixes into liquids (like chicken broth) very easily. You just have to add a little to make anything pretty hot. Which means you don't really mess with the flavor of whatever you are eating. Other sauces I use like...
  5. xgrafcorex

    food Who's cooking what for the holidays?

    No beans? :crazy: Looks great though!
  6. xgrafcorex

    The Christmas Spirits!

    Had several types of beer and also had a little egg nog and brandy. For xmas, my brother gave me a "magnum" size (50 fl. oz.) bottle of the 2009 Anchor Christmas Ale!
  7. xgrafcorex

    Favourite Drink?

    I was in Faslane, Helensburgh, and Glasgow during and after a joint exercise. Don't know that I saw that one while I was there...tried all the local or anything that wasn't readily available in the states.
  8. xgrafcorex

    spirits advise me on tequila

    Devil Duck recommended this stuff and I always wanted to try it, but I'm just not much of a tequila drinker. Oro Azul...the "real" Patron apparently.
  9. xgrafcorex

    Favourite Drink?

    Not sure what all is available out there in KY but you have to track down your nearest "specialty beer store" and see what's available. Drinking a glass of Brooklyn brewing co. Black chocolate Stout...this stuff is awesome! :D
  10. xgrafcorex

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    It's a take and bake job. Raw dough, sauce and cheese. There one ones with toppings but I already had pepperonis so I just grabbed some habs and chopped them up at home.
  11. xgrafcorex

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    This thread needs a sticky! Habanero and pepperoni pizza last night. habs, pepperoni, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, red pepper flakes, and a splash of sesame oil for whatever random reason. After.
  12. xgrafcorex

    Da Bomb

    I've only had the Ground Zero because someone on my ship bought it once and nobody eats it, so I started using it. I don't know that I would say Black Mamba is hotter, I agree it is better tasting (and still pretty hot) but the GZ was pretty damn hot. It actually gave me some killer...
  13. xgrafcorex

    New Toy!

    Sweet! I've never fired one. I might be buying an M4 from someone I work with in the future, but I'm still paying off a couple other toys. :lol:
  14. xgrafcorex

    baking Pizza crust risen with brettanomyces!

    Hah that's and awesome idea, I would've never thought about that. Looks great!
  15. xgrafcorex

    Favourite Drink?

    Yuengling is a decent session beer...especially compared to all the other beers that are as readily available. However, there are many much better beers out there!
  16. xgrafcorex

    Favourite Drink?

    It would have to be a beer and I don't think I could pick one. Either an IPA or a stout.
  17. xgrafcorex

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Against Me!
  18. xgrafcorex

    Avatar (the film)

    I just got back from watching it on an IMAX screen in 3D. It was great, if you can watch it in 3D and/or on IMAX I recommend it. The movie is pretty long, but as was said, it didn't really feel like it.
  19. xgrafcorex

    Snow Storm Tonight

    Holding steady at 42F down here in VA Beach. No snow yet...did have a tiny bit of rain on my way home just now.
  20. xgrafcorex

    contest January Throwdown - Steak

    Damn! I need a grill! :(