Search results

  1. Indiana_Jesse

    The most tasty/unique peppers

    Ripe meaning red? I personally like them better when they are still yellow(ish), the flavor and aroma is great.
  2. Indiana_Jesse

    The most tasty/unique peppers

    Aji amarillo (ripe), Aji Cristal (unripe), Ripe Jalapenos (home grown), Orange Habanero (home grown), Chiltepins, Fatalii, to name a very few....but there are so many flavors out there!
  3. Indiana_Jesse

    chinense Hottest Non-Chinense Chilies

    What about Tabascos, or many of the other frutescens? Also many of the "birdseye" and cayenne types from India and parts of Asia are quite hot. The "Aruna" I got from Seeds of India is very very hot and tasty! Also, some "De Arbol" chiles can be very hot, but others not so much...
  4. Indiana_Jesse

    praire fire

    That doesn't look like the cultivar "Prairie Fire", I think tags got mixed up or seeds mixed up. Prairie Fire is an edible ornamental with small green leaves and yellowish  ripening to red fruits.
  5. Indiana_Jesse

    pics Mite damage on my OW plants...UPDATE: Cayenne making miraculous recovery (pics inside)

    Another possible cause (although unlikely) is a high dose of fertilizer just when the plant is leafing out after winter, I have done that a few times and it seems not all plants respond the same way, many do very well! They usually grew out of it though in a similar fashion to herbicide damaged...
  6. Indiana_Jesse

    Windchicken 2014

    Hello! Those Cabe Gendot sure attract my attention! Let me know if I can buy/trade some seeds from you sometime....although in terms of trade, I really don't have anything interesting/different right now. Thanks!   Sorry, I wanted to PM this to you but your mailbox must be full! I can delete...
  7. Indiana_Jesse

    Meatfreak 2014 Glog

    Yes, Jwalas are typically light green, and very wrinkley, eventually ripening to bright red.
  8. Indiana_Jesse

    favorite What is your favorite Cayenne?

    Well I suppose there are Cayennes, and then there are Cayenne-type! My favorite Cayenne-types are  the Indian varieities "Jwala" and "Aruna" for using green, and if you consider "De arbol" a Cayenne-type I like them for drying ripe.
  9. Indiana_Jesse

    favorite What is your favorite Baccatum Chili and why?

    Absolutely nothing like the Aji Amarillo IMO!  but I also really enjoy Aji Crystal (aka aji verde in Chile), and Aji Omnicolor for taste (unripe and ripe!) and production.
  10. Indiana_Jesse

    Leaf issue on new growth

    Sigh....I deal with this every year, I rent a townhouse and the property owners have the surrounding lawn sprayed every year! As others said, just pinch the wierd looking stuff off. Some plants seem to grow out of it quickly without pinching, but others just get messed up bad! Tomatoes really...
  11. Indiana_Jesse

    pests HELP! Unknown creature - pest *** found the answer - Metcalfa Pruinosa

    Unfortunately there are several species of Treehopper/Planthopper with very similar looking nymphs, so it is difficult to say it is one or the other without close examination.
  12. Indiana_Jesse

    pests HELP! Unknown creature - pest *** found the answer - Metcalfa Pruinosa

    Not a mealybug despite the strong resemblance. It is a nymph of a type of treehopper. Despite their name, they can be found on all types of plants. Definitely a pest though!
  13. Indiana_Jesse

    Unknown Peruvian jungle pepper found in the amazon - Aji Maqusari

    Haha I thought this was a joke at first. Maqusari almost sounds (when pronounced  a little incorrectly) like "Make-you-sorry"
  14. Indiana_Jesse

    pest Bug ID?

    NOT A MOSQUITO!!! Looks like some type of very small assasin (reduviidae), which would be a good thing, but I can't say for sure....definitely NOT a mosquito though!
  15. Indiana_Jesse

    Best anuum....

    To be more specific than my first post, in terms of what I use most often (because of flavor and heat profile), it would be "Aruna" a cayenne type from India that I use green, Jwala, another cayenne type from India I use both green and red, and Serranos which I use green. For some reason I have...
  16. Indiana_Jesse

    Best anuum....

    Any prolific hot Thai or Cayenne type that I can use fresh and green or red and dry!
  17. Indiana_Jesse

    health What's wrong with this Aji Pacay, and Aji Cacho de Cabra? 5/5 Looking better! Photos...

    I noticed that some baccatums (Like Amarillo) are very sensitive to Nitrogen and grow huge leaves and long lanky stems when soil is "too" fertile, and also if the soil is "perfect" Plants will get huge, but produce much less fruit than plants grown in sandy dense top soil. This has been my...
  18. Indiana_Jesse

    Fungus Gnats - Why are they a problem?

    Yep, they are not an issue with good sized/large healthy plants, but they WILL eat the roots to sprouting seeds causing death, and also slow down growth (or slowly kill) small seedlings. Ever have a seedling mysteriously fall over without wind being a factor, because they barely have a root...
  19. Indiana_Jesse

    MeatHead 2014

    The wasps only use dead/aged "wood" fibers for nest building, so they won't do damage to live/green stems.
  20. Indiana_Jesse

    Looking for Xalapas seed

    Real Serranos are less than 3", anything consistently 3" or longer is almost certainly going to be a hybrid. Some of the well known popular seed suppliers like Burpee, Park Seeds, Johnny's, etc. sell new hybrids with large size.