Search results

  1. TOAW

    Hello people.

    :welcome: From Indy. Large dogs I like, but carniverous reps interesting creatures but I could not see as pets.
  2. TOAW

    Hello and thanks from Washington State!

    :welcome: From Indy
  3. TOAW

    misc Bug ID Help!! Brown Ladybug?

    Do they look like this.
  4. TOAW

    Top 20 Pumpkin Ales as rated by Paste

    The persimmons I hadn't heard of before. Considering their potental tartness they could replace hops.
  5. TOAW

    Top 20 Pumpkin Ales as rated by Paste

    The colonist used pumpkin alot because the lack of barley. So you could say it's patriotic.
  6. TOAW

    soil is this soil good for mature plants ?

    I'm no expert but the PH is awful acidic as peats are. Also available nutrients looks low. Mixed with other things (worm casting, a little sand, gypsum, etc) though it would be good.
  7. TOAW

    misc Ladybugs... Death Surrounds me.

    I said a Flamethrower ! :flamethrower:It get kills creatures in the movies.
  8. TOAW

    for-sale Plants for sale cheap!

    Got to feed your aphids.
  9. TOAW

    pests WHAT BUG IS THIS?

    About the same size and eats milkweed which makes it toxic so I'd say yes.
  10. TOAW

    pests WHAT BUG IS THIS?

    Assassin Bugs will eat anything they can catch. Saw one suck a stink bug dry, and Iowa must be the only state in the midwest without those insects.
  11. TOAW

    beer Trying a couple of other Stone Brewing Co beers this weekend

    Maybe it's best for us it's not cheaper. :drunk: I love reading their labels.
  12. TOAW

    Hi from Denmark

    :welcome: from Indy
  13. TOAW

    pests WHAT BUG IS THIS?

    Yet They're on their way.
  14. TOAW

    misc Ladybugs... Death Surrounds me.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Aphids are what killing your ladybugs!
  15. TOAW

    Hi everybody

    :welcome: Indy
  16. TOAW

    hello from italy

    :welcome: From Indy
  17. TOAW

    The best natural pest control: Wasp takes a Hornworm

    Eagle takes down wolf! The Mongal herders train golden eagles to attack wolves.
  18. TOAW

    Wind Turbine

    Wind direction change? or you found the correct combination of tweeks.
  19. TOAW

    Got coffee?

    "No, we are just a storage place for them. They are owned by other companies. Our warehouse is mainly Peet's Coffee and Kraft but there are others. The beans are all green (unroasted) and we do not roast." To bad you could roast your own at home and stay up all night playing games.
  20. TOAW

    Hello from Central Ohio

    :welcome: From Indy