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  1. Slug

    seeds Germination Issues

    Maybe one of your heating pads is defective?  Try throwing that tray onto one of the pads you've already had success with?  This year I had problems like this with a variety of BBG7 that has proven particularly difficult to germinate in the past.  It's why I do my seeds in mini solo cups for...
  2. Slug

    Advice (help) Welcomed

    They don't need to have leaves open to go under light, by the way.  (Heck, having them under light before they've even poked up from the dirt is just fine as long as it isn't hot enough to suck away all the humidity in the dome.)  I pull my seedlings from under the dome and graduate them to the...
  3. Slug

    Top non barrel aged stout list in Paste Mag

    I generally pick up a growler of the Bomb! any time it's on tap.  Sometimes the chile notes really come out well in that one.  Bell's Expedition Stout I had again recently and it still strikes me as pretty much exactly where it landed on their list.  Good, not great.  Evil Twin's "Soft Dookie"...
  4. Slug

    Hangjiao (Chinese space chili)

    They're nice wherever you would normally use bell peppers, in my experience.  I don't particularly care for cayenne, but I grew these things for the novelty and ended up liking them quite a bit.  I grew the HJ5 (Helix) and HJ6 (Pulsar, I think).  Both were worth growing.  The things look like...
  5. Slug

    If you move, don't use this company.

    Problem is your driver got into CO and realized weed is legal there.
  6. Slug

    lighting New to indoor - Looking for lighting tips

      You don't need to run a full strip of strictly UV or IR, just a few bulbs per 2 feet will do the trick.  If you don't want to solder things and the strips you're looking at don't come with them, don't sweat it.  They aren't necessary, they're just an optimization thing.   If you could simply...
  7. Slug

    Started my bucket list already

    7-Pot Yellow is a gateway drug to a beautiful world.  Gotta catch em' all.
  8. Slug

    Hard pour

      Bah!  Nothing you could do would piss off even the snobbiest of snobs over beer fouls as an American.  Americans have already perpetrated the longest running and most insulting crime against beer in its glorious history, and I'm not talking about prohibition.  I'm talking about rice based...
  9. Slug

    Eric's Indoor Grow 2016-17

      At a glance, it looks like your water comes in on one side and splits to wrap around both sides of the table, yes?  Return is from under the table, yes?  For a temporary quick fix with that setup, you should be able to splice a couple of ballcock valves into your main irrigation lines on...
  10. Slug

    lighting New to indoor - Looking for lighting tips

    You can get away with an all-white LED setup as long as it is putting out enough light, overall.  LEDs are best utilized as pre-built full-spectrum layouts (expensive) or as DIY full-spectrum layouts (dirt cheap, but labor intensive).  With plant-customized LED setups, you can specifically...
  11. Slug

    do chili plants benefit from UV light?

    In a nutshell, even though you probably already decided on this.  "Yes."  I realize this post is months old, but it looks like you never got a response and the question deserves one.  The answer is "yes, all plants benefit from UV light, but perhaps not in the way you might think".  Plants make...
  12. Slug

    Peppers and longevity in the news ...

        The chiles also turned them into stupid, poverty stricken, smoking alcoholics?  We're all doomed!   LOL @ the sidebar story with the sad grill picture:  "Chiefs fans so devastated by playoff loss that they left their grills in the parking lot."  That's harsh.  They even left the whisky...
  13. Slug

    indoor TopoGrow Grow Tent 24" x 24" x 48" unboxing and assembly

    My seedling tent is a 2x2 similar to yours, but probably 6-12 inches taller. Uses a 300W full spectrum LED that I cut the factory hangers off of and strung with paracord. Lets me hang it over a foot closer to the top of the tent than I could by default and allows me to comfortably grow a...
  14. Slug

    indoor TopoGrow Grow Tent 24" x 24" x 48" unboxing and assembly

    Looking good, Peter.  Perfect size for your UFO and I can't wait to see the aeroponics system you set up.  If you find the plastic zippers on these types of tents ornery, just hook your finger around them on the leading edge when you close it up and that will keep the interior flaps from...
  15. Slug

    fermenting Have I been fermenting peppers incorrectl?

    Nothing wrong with what you're doing, but if you have never let a ferment go for a month or more, I'd suggest making two batches with the same ingredients.  Do one batch and let it go for 1-2 months before finishing.  When you're a week out from finishing that batch, make a 2nd batch with the...
  16. Slug

    preservation Basic Vinegar Recipe?

    Regardless of what kinds of hot sauces I am cooking up, I will always keep a couple simple bottles of what SmokenFire originally mentioned every season.  Ye olde basic bottle o' vinegar is pretty much the best thing ever for greens and fish.  I also tend to have one going in a 750ml bottle for...
  17. Slug

    1st time seeing fresh super hots, I need recipe ideas please

    If you have multiples of each sort, get a good, fatty meal in you. After that has a couple minutes to settle you can start taste testing pieces of each chile raw to gauge your heat tolerance and preference for them. (I guess keep some whole milk handy in case it's too much.) Either bite a bit...
  18. Slug

    LAND OF THE GIANTS 2017 - Biggest Bonnet Competition

    At the end of the season I expect one of you guys to hook a brother up with a few leftover seeds from all of these choice monster bonnet pods you're growing.  Love me some SB's.  Good thing you specified MoA or someone would sneak in one of Judy's stuffing bonnets.  :D
  19. Slug

    Illsstep 2017 Indoor Winter Grow

    Welcome.  The stadium seating is badass.  Is that just butcher paper wrapped around the outside of the rack?  Neat setup.  Jalapenos are a good start.  Just remember, every one of those silly shrubs you can't eat will be taking up space that could be filled with delicious chile peppers.  We have...
  20. Slug


    I like the plan.  More peppers is always superior to pretty rock walls.  How are you going to till that in near the rounded fence?  Carefully?   Speaking of the fence, I'm sure you think it will keep them from escaping, but you're wrong.  One of these nights, you'll wake up for seemingly no...