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  1. S

    Pyrethrum & others

    Not a plant, but another bug. Praying Mantis, to eat all of the other bugs.They are meat eaters, not plant eaters. Since I started using them, my peppers are almost perfect. I don't use any insecticide or any other chemicals on the plants or in the garden. You could try going to the local...
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    favorite Favorite Burger Joints?

    Thanks man, Ill pass the info on to him. Hey maybe it's like you said. He might have gone there already. He's been in that area for about 9 years now.
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    favorite Favorite Burger Joints?

    you got an address for any of the 3, a buddy lives in Safety Harbour, just outside of Clearwater, Fl.
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    I'm Joining PG-AA

    Thanks Bent
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    I'm Joining PG-AA

    Hey Wordwiz, I think I am infected with the same disease. Where do I go to sign up for this PG-AA? Or, am I already there?
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    pepper infused vinegar

    If you use fresh peppers when you make your infused oils, then that's pretty risky. I suppose you could wind up with a nasty case of botulism. With the fresh peppers you are also adding moisture n oxygen, a good building block for bacteria. I make infused oil on a pretty regular basis. (canola...
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    First try at sauce...

    sounds good, but I bet you could lose the sugar n the salt n still have a mighty fine sauce. or at least then know what it is still lacking. sometimes less is better. Sauceman
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    drying Ronco Food Dehydeator

    Had one years ago, but for 4$ you cant beat it. I use to burn one up every year. Did that for about 3 years, then I finally decided it would be cheaper in the long run to just go out n get a fairly good one. Now I have a Nesco American Harvest dehydrator with 12 trays. I've had this same unit...
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    preservation How do you smoke your peppers

    Sounds like a lot of salt to me.
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    hot-sauce unusual use for hot sauce

    I make mine the same way as Pam. The old fashioned way. Popped popcorn in a habanero canola oil. Next time I'll try putting some hot sauce in with the oil n see how that comes out. Sauceman
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    My daughtor likes hot??? cool!!

    Cool. It probably feels like she took her first step, all over again, n you were there for it. Sauceman
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    Big Disappointment

    I agree with E. Z. Flavor first. Always. Heat is secondary. I make my own sauces n what I did was build a sauce around one of my favorite spices, n once I got the flavor down pat for me, i started playing with different heat levels.
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    preservation About dehydrating.......

    I'm gonna have to get a digital camera, n take pics for u people next time I dehydrate peppers. I usually dehydrate about 20 pounds of peppers in 1 setting. First of all, I thin slice almost all peppers in the food processer. I can destem, wash, n slice about 1 busshel in under 3 hours, plus...
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    First post

    welcome aboard
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    This brought a smile to my face today

    I'll have to remember that, when my time comes. Change it to the one I have.
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    Big Disappointment

    Whenever someone from the family or friends go on vacation n come back with hot sauce for me, I thank them n later tell them the sauce was good. Usually though the sauces are good for nothing, colored salty vinegar water that I dump in the sink. However on the upside, I now have one less...
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    Pepper with no distinct flavor

    Purchase a pepper extract. Do a search on Pure Cap, n just figure out which is best for you. It has no flavor, just heat.
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    what should I buy?????

    Maybe it's time to try n make your own hot sauce. If you know what you like, n can get the ingridients, then go for it. If it dosen't work, then you can go back to looking for other hot sauces. either way, good luck. Sauceman
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    Where to buy...

    Try a place called, I don't know if they have seeds though, but they do ship thier plants anywhere in the States.
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    Jerky 101

    i don't deseed either. to much work. my hobby takes enough time as it is.