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    chile grinding contraption

    Whoa! Just reviewed this thread, SL grinding contraption is quite the rig. As for mine, have co-opted the wife's magic bullet grinder.....she's not happy! Now if I can figure out how to attach my Dewalt drill motor to it, I will really be in business. Powder in 2.6 seconds.

    What is considered "Hot Sauce" and "Salsa"?

    Hot sauce = smooth. Salsa = chunky.

    Reply post button using ipad

    Posting from within a topic, nothing happens when I hit reply button. Have to go into more reply options to get it to work. Not an issue when on the PC. Anyone else having this issue? Also, when not logged in, get a cancel/submit popup when I navigate back to a prior page. Neither is a...

    All purpose miracle gro, ever use it?

    Fertilize with tomato MG, first app. three to four weeks after plant out (this weekend for me) and about three weeks after that. That's it. Side dress with compost and bone meal mix several times during the grow season. It's almost heresy say'in that one uses MG on the THP. However; it's...

    Temperature dropping down to 49 Fahrenheit in Michigan

    Not to worry, this spring (by the calender) has been excellent with warm temps. Plant out May 18th (earliest ever) in ground and pots. The real worry with peppers is a late frost which obviously did not occur this year. Pots tend to dry out pretty quickly, so I water them every third day if...

    What was your introduction to 'hot stuff'?

    10+ years ago, Dave's Insanity Sauce on my pizza instead of the customary Tabasco/Franks. Whoa!! Heat plus flavor, what a concept. All that has transpired since I "blame" on that experience.

    favorite favorite non super hot peppers

    Red >>>>>>>>>>> green. Also, have become a big fan of Fresno's. My everyday not to hot sauce are made with them. Fresno poppers. Numex for saucing (green and red, burritos must be properly sauced) and Rellenos.

    favorite what your favorite place to buy seeds

    +1 Have bought seeds from Beth every year since starting this pepper growing hobby. Solid variety, quick shipping, seeds always germinate and enjoy reading her periodic newsletter email. Also, would add to the list. Nice selection of peppers (hot and sweet) plus tomatoes...

    seeds Germination issue with a couple of varieties.

    I’ve typically not had any significant problems with seed germination in the past. This year I’ve experienced two impossible to germinate varieties, Bonda Ma Jacques and Harold’s St. Barts. Two restarts in my usual germination medium and now in wet paper towel/ziplock/heat...

    Where do you guys get baggies without being accused of being a drug dealer?

    LOLZ.......stopped into a local hydrogrow supply shop awhile back (they are popping up everywhere here in MI with our medical pot law) to buy some liquid seaweed nute concoction. Let's just say that it was a rather unique experience observing some of the other "shoppers" that day, several...

    who's you're playoff team???

    Go Wings.....what?.....nevermind. A Canadian not liking hockey? Isn't that unpatriotic or something?


    Very reputable company, buy from them every year for pepper and tomato seeds. That is where I've gotten my fatalli's.

    RIP Levon Helm

    He's had cancer for a number of years and took a turn for the worst this last week. Still saddened by this. Had a truly unique voice and was a key component in making The Band who they were; the best group making authentically American rock music EVER. If Ophelia doesn't get your toe tapping...

    RIP Dick Clark

    An American institution for three generations. Those of us of a certain age fondly remember A. B. on saturday afternoons.

    Horseradish Anyone?

    Leave it alone the first year (learned from an earlier bad experience of not being patient). Second year, 25% pick although the roots will be rather slender. Third and thereafter, you will have roots the size in AJ's pic. My patch has now spread to about a 6 ft. square area, i kinda poke...

    container Yield Container vs Garden

    Just what I need, a yard filled with 15 gal. containers for the 100+ peppers (not to mention 30 or so tomatoes). Totally unrealistic. I garden because it's fun, not an obsession. Somehow, every year I manage to "bumble" my way into growing more peppers than I can possibly use or give away...

    container Yield Container vs Garden

    No question, in the ground produces much better for me. Especially those big, rangley ones like 7 Pots and Numex. Had a leftover Fatalii last year, put it into a 5 gal. pot, yield and size was minimally 2x greater in the ground. My experience in my environment, your mileage may vary for your...

    Big Jims with nearly no heat!!

    PIC 1: ? On your post. Your comment about "new and improved Big Jim II, is this new or are you referring to the Big Jim Heritage? The Big Jim's grown last year were definitely hotter than the Anaheim TMR, Joe. E., and Big Chile. I prefer my numex on the milder side, like the size, not the...

    March Madness

    CRAPOLA!!!! Good luck to the rest of you that still have a team in contention. On to baseball season.

    March Madness

    I was especially appreciative of Ohio U. taking care of the skunk weasels (UM). Out of 62 people in our bracket pool, only two had Ohio beating them. Guess who one of them was!! It was the green and white unis worn by Ohio; they obviously thought they were playing the Spartans and got scared...