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  1. J762

    New growth looking funky?

    I have several that look just like that except instead of dark green they are really light green/yellow. At first it was only a few plants, then it spread to almost all of them. I've got maybe 3-4 that are ok still. Turns out it was the caretaker of the foreclosed house behind me spraying ground...
  2. J762

    Yellow 7 ripening question

    Mine turned light orange by the time I picked them last year. They were the Yellow 7's from hippy.
  3. J762

    Hello from AZ!

    Welcome from just north of you. Good luck with your plants.
  4. J762

    Apartment garden war, (mercy, sweet mercy)

    I have some words you can share with your property manager, and I quote "Smile like a Donut asshole" I hate property managers who are like that. He's probably just pissed cause he can't grow anything as well.
  5. J762

    Growing in Plastic Party Cups What about Drainage

    Yeah. melting is awesome. I take several cups and stack them all together, then take a 1/8th inch drill bit that's about 9 inches long and get it hot. Then just push it through the bottom a couple of times. I can knock out about 10 cups at once that way. I then reuse my cups for a few grows.
  6. J762

    Is this a weed or someting edible?

    Good find on the Stevia. I can't get that stuff to grow here, at least outside. Any one that needs to test something can feel free to use my Cats. Absolutely useless animals.
  7. J762

    Fire in a box!

    Hippy is the way to go man. Always true to what you order and great to work with. I've heard the same about pepperlover and am ordering from there later this year to get a head start on next years grow.
  8. J762

    Is this a weed or someting edible?

    Might be some form of Salvia or Sage plant. Also looks vaguely like my Thai holy basil. Does it smell like anything you recognize? Make a neighbor you don't like give it a taste test.
  9. J762

    Weed that I was about to uproot.

    One of my friends is the reason Raid now has the Flammable warning stickers all over it, and why all flammable aerosols have that warning. You are advocating dangerous stupidity with using aerosols as a blow torch. They can and will explode while doing that. My friend was burned over 85% of his...
  10. J762

    Weed that I was about to uproot.

    Personally I would have left it alone. If it was covered in Aphids but your other good plants weren't, then it was doing work for you by attracting them away from your crops. I grow several plants as bug traps even though they provide no other real use for me. I also Grow Borage for that as...
  11. J762

    Bahamian Goat not growing much

    Your plant is in need of Calcium going by the bumpy leaves. That may help it pick up a little. Give it that as a foliar, and mix in Aspirin. I'm just repeating what I have learned here, but it has worked wonders for me so far.
  12. J762

    water Water Ager

    The fish tank de chlorinator I used when i had my tank specifically stated not to use it on plants meant for human consumption. It didn't say why, just not to use it. Read over the label really well and make sure there are no warnings on it.
  13. J762

    health Yellowing on top leaves starting...what's wrong?

    Some plants are just weird like that. I've noticed that my Yellow 7 pods in general are more sensitive to nutes, especially 2 in particular. They burn really Really easy with low amounts of ferts, but also freak out if I don't hit them regularly enough. They're just pissy like that. I know in...
  14. J762

    Small, yet seemingly relatively healthy leaves?

    Some one say Sluts? I love sluts to. They can make a bad day awesome in 7minutes flat. Ultrazelda64, as far as the weirdo plant goes, it happens. May have hit a weird nutrient pocket that was to hot, or it just genetically wanted to be a goof. If you don't mind feeding and watering an odd...
  15. J762

    Growth rates

    My Bhuts grow faster than all others in my garden and flower a whole lot more. Only problem is 100% of the flowers always drop off of them. I don't know what is wrong with the Bhut's, but my largest harvest so far with them is... 1 pod. I'm hoping this year will be different, We'll see. I think...
  16. J762

    health Yellowing on top leaves starting...what's wrong?

    Damned skippy it is. That should be a sticky at the top of the grow forum. That along with several real life pictures of the different deficiencies in a nice clean sticky would be an amazing resource.
  17. J762

    health Yellowing on top leaves starting...what's wrong?

    The bumpy leaves shows a Calcium deficiency. It is much easier to get Calcium into plants using foliar sprays. You can either make your own with eggshells (Search the site, it involves charring and dissolving I haven't made my own yet so I'm not 100% on the recipe). I use Calcium Chloride at the...
  18. J762

    Any Good Tea Recipes?

    Get a couple of 5 gallon buckets. Get a couple of the Latex paint strainers for 5 gallon buckets. Put strainer in bucket around rim... I put in 2 hand full's of compost, 2 hand full's of alfalfa pellets (Horse feed pellets, get the pure alfalfa kind), about 1/4 cup of Blackstrap unsulfured...
  19. J762

    Where the he*% did spring go?

    Not sure what's going on with you guys, but our spring is lasting forever over here. Usually this time of June is Miserable already, but this year we've stayed below 100 so far for the most part. It's been incredible. 2 weeks ago it was actually "Chilly" out. Hope it eases up on you a bit.
  20. J762

    Low Stress training

    Ever! There is no quit in the search for the flaming donut.