Most awesome Lemon Drop Buffalo Wing Sauce
1 Stick Butter
60-70 Lemon Drop Peppers
1 Whole Garlic Bulb
1 bottle Rice Vinegar
2 TBS Sea Salt
Even had a few hot n spicy haters loving this stuff!
Well I have so many things going on since I was forced to move my video game store I own and I have fumbled this year on getting plants to start well. Many of my plants didn't even sprout yet or they look so pitifully weak I am gonna have to probably buy some plants from the nurseries this year...
dang.... beat me to posting the link...
Well last year when I was making my Jolokia powder I was soooooo stoooopid and took the lid off of the food processor right after turning it off.... OMG I was sneezing and coughing for about 10-15 minutes and my eyes burned for nearly 45 minutes. I never...
Last 4 yrs I have been putting seeds in Game Boy cases and the one time last year I get new seeds I did not transfer them into a GB case. However last year I put some seeds away in cases but didn't frelling label them..... Geeez maybe this year I'll learn!
As I am starting to get seeds started and what not I have misplaced ones I was most looking forward to growing this year, the Brain Strain! Someone here sent me a few and for the life of me I can not find them argggg! (anyone have anymore?)
However during my search I found some Bulgarian...
Yes and I have sent many seeds too over the years. Most lose some or most of the chinese flavor but retain the shape and heat. I did have one plant last year though that was very close to the parent.
it tastes litterally like a mix of both peppers, a little heavier Jalapeno taste with the chinese flavor and heat of the Habanero
Well when I repotted it I mixed in some Organic Blood Meal or Bone Meal (can't remember bag of stuff is at my house right now), Organic Miracle Grow fertalizer (Powdered Chicken poo) and
some Miracle Grow Moisture Controll Potting Mix
it was all I had available to me at the time....
But it...
I have my hybrid Jalabanero at 5 yrs... it's sad looking right now but at the end of last year it was soooo beautiful bursting with hundreds of peppers
I more or less ripped apart the rootball when I re-potted it. If I saw someone else do to the plant what I did to it... I think I woulda had the PO on my behind... Thoughj it turned out to grow many peppers and came back healthy as can be.
Well first year this thing didn't want to do anything.
Second year I replanted in new potting soil
here it is now, Overwintering.
Just wish my 5 yr old Jalabanero was doing as good....