Search results

  1. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    LOL! Yeah, we were able to pick up an older train to add to when we first began. Kinda wild you were in that one! Excellent! I vote for outbound today! ;) I can't wait!
  2. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Oh good! My TS seeds had 0% germination this year (serves me right for trusting ebay... never again) while all of my others (from the train last year) are 100% so far so please leave me some :) I fermented some tabasco this year. WOW good! I actually took the remaining stuff left from the food...
  3. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I'm getting excited! Any superhots in the mix? I'm really after some TS that actually germinate. :)
  4. Shandley

    SHANDLEY'S 2013 Glog

    Greetings! NOTE: All edits will be done to this first post until it gets full. All photos will be in timeline style (oldest first). I see snow but that's not stopping me! I have already germinated some 7 Pot peppers with a 100% germination rate. The Chocolate Habs (also 100% germination) are...
  5. Shandley

    Shandley's TS Grow Log

    As I check the container every day, I noticed a wet dog smell coming from the container. Something is growing that I do not want. I replaced the paper towel with a new one and rinsed the container out with alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. Hopefully that'll take care of it.
  6. Shandley

    Shandley's TS Grow Log

    As I keep the old ones that are not doing too much, I have started a new method. I have a large prescription pill container. I cleaned it and rinsed it with alcohol. I rinsed it with boiled water and filled it with some previously boiled then cooled water. I put about 10 seeds in there and...
  7. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    bushwhackxj is listed twice. Maybe take him off before me. It's a shame there is nothing between AB and ON. but it's not that much after all. Does anyone want to be hit up twice (once on the way out and once on the return trip)?
  8. Shandley

    Anyone selling a few woozies?

    Well, I am after caps and reducers as well but you sparked a thought. I have a buddy who works in a restaurant supply company. The sell pretty much anything. I wonder if they may have something... Thanks! I'll be back.
  9. Shandley

    Anyone selling a few woozies?

    The thing is... If I am going to buy something less than $100 worth of bottles, it will cost me a lot just to get them here. It's way different in Canada and if there was one thing that would make me want to come down a join you all in the good ole US of A, it would be the post. I'm really just...
  10. Shandley

    Anyone selling a few woozies?

    I'm in no real big hurry. I can ferment easily for at least another month. Are you getting reducers and caps as well? If you are interested in letting go of a few, pm me and I'm sure we can work something out. Thanks for the reply!
  11. Shandley

    Anyone selling a few woozies?

    Thanks for that. It was worth a look; however, they only ship UPS (so taxes and duties are a guarentee plus UPS brokerage fees are higher than anyone), and their shipping to my place starts at $25. A bit rich for 5-10 (or so) bottles.
  12. Shandley

    Anyone selling a few woozies?

    Greetings, I have some fermented harvest that I will be making into sauce but I want to bottle (instead of canning). Is anyone out there interested in selling just a few woozie bottles with new caps? None of my suppliers will sell just a few. I am in BC Canada but I am open to offers from...
  13. Shandley

    Upside Down Pepper Growing?

    Greetings, My GF bought me a Topsy Turvy last year and I tried tomatoes in it. The root ball grew so large that I had to wonder. Has anyone tried this with peppers? My thought is to grow the seedlings upside down until the root ball gets large and in charge, then repot it right side up. Has...
  14. Shandley

    pests The SWARM of tiny dark bugs on my garlic/onions

    The aphids I battle are always green inside when I squish, not red. Hmmm. Insecticide is your friend.
  15. Shandley

    video help With Bhut (Video)

    You said it's in a controlled enviro but your problem looks like cool temps or over watering. Also, enviro changes will cause flowers to drop so maybe change your HPS cycle to where the MH light was (or an hour or two difference) and lessen it every 3 days or so until you are back at 12/12. The...
  16. Shandley

    DWC happy vs Stressed Glog

    Very cool stuff! Keep it up! I can't wait to see pics!
  17. Shandley

    Shandley's TS Grow Log

    Well, it's been 2 weeks and I see no sign of life. I remember it took longer than normal (ie: tomatoes) with my hot pepper seeds for anything to start happening when it came to germinating. Naturally, I do not have any expectations of a 100% germination rate and I very well can have picked 4...
  18. Shandley

    pests Aphids

    I hate those buggers! Aphids are my only pest problem and they are everywhere. I can sit for a full day and get rid of them by hand and they will come back in less than a week. Soap and water in a bottle takes care of most of them if you don't want to sit for hours and crush them one by one. If...
  19. Shandley

    HELP! Pepper plant problem URGENT

    I agree with most here. +1 toothpick (skewer, whatever) +1 deeper potting +1 fans +1 dry it out a bit From what I have seen, gnats like the top of the soil to be wet in order to do it's thing. It's a bugger when it happens and most times, I repot by removing the entire plant, gently washing...
  20. Shandley


    I don't want top stir the pot too much but tough love is the way to go. Don't get me wrong, do not beat the dog! I used a supersoaker and provoked my dog to go for it and knocked him in the head with a big blast from the supersoaker. He's never looked back. My parents had the same issue and...