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  1. Thegreenchilemonster

    Back From a Health Sabbatical

    You may remember me from THP over the past few years, but I've been offline for the past couple of months. I got annihilated by poison sumac this September, which lead to a full on cellulitis infection. It was horrific, and although my case was severe, I'm still gardening. After a few stays...
  2. Thegreenchilemonster

    food Thegreenchilemonster Cooks For Three

    Since I recently found out that my wife is pregnant, I'll be cooking for 3 I figured I would share dishes throughout the pregnancy that are focused on providing an expecting mother the nutrients she needs to develop a healthy baby. All of the meat I cook with will be organic, grass fed, and...
  3. Thegreenchilemonster

    RIP Anthony Bourdain

    He had the best job in the world IMHO, and I really enjoyed all of his work. He will truly be missed.
  4. Thegreenchilemonster

    food Sauerkraut

    Who else loves sauerkraut? I'm sure plenty of you do. Share some recipes, tips, pairings, etc. I made a couple of batches today. Green and red cabbage. Garlic and chiles are always involved in my sauerkraut, because I love both.
  5. Thegreenchilemonster

    pickling TheGreenChileMonster Makes Pickles

    I figured I'd share the way I pickle most veggies. It's super simple, but I end up with super crunchy, and delicious pickles every time. For the brine, I use 2 of cups water, 1 cup white vinegar, and 2 tablespoons of pickling salt. I multiply that ratio by as many times as I need to reach my...
  6. Thegreenchilemonster

    TheGreenChileMonster 2018

    I'm focusing this year on peppers I eat every day, and peppers I use for my sauces. Usually I grow a good 20+ varieties, but this year I am sticking to only 6. I am growing 8+ plants of many of these varieties, so it will still be a pretty packed garden. One omission that might be noticed is...
  7. Thegreenchilemonster

    food Rocoto and Honey Goat Cheese

    This goat cheese came out fantastic. I'll type up the recipe tomorrow, when I'm not so full and tired. I used some deseeded and halfed turbo pubes blended in with the goat milk, as I made the cheese. Soooo F'ing tasty!
  8. Thegreenchilemonster

    seed-plant-vendors Finding These Seeds a Home

    Upon germinating my seeds for this season, I realize that I have way more varieties than I could ever grow in a season/lifetime. I would like to find a home for some of these seeds that I won't have space for in my garden this year. PM me your addy, if you would like to provide a loving home...
  9. Thegreenchilemonster

    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in...
  10. Thegreenchilemonster

    seeds-germination Free Pubescens Seed Give Away!

    I am doing a free seed give away to contribute to all of the amazing peple here on THP. This give away is to spread around some seeds to people that have interest in growing Capsicum Pubescens, and intend on growing them this upcoming 2018 season. Drop me a PM, and your seeds will be in the...
  11. Thegreenchilemonster

    fermenting TheGreenChileMonster Ferments Some Sauce

    Last November, right before a frost, I pulled all of the rocoto pods off of my plants. I then made a mash with rocoto pods and salt only.
  12. Thegreenchilemonster

    RIP Osiris

    My best friend for over 13 years went to heaven today. I love you so much, and I will always miss you, Osiris!
  13. Thegreenchilemonster

    food TheGreenChileMonster Fires Up The Weber Smokey Mountain

    I'm doing some beef dino ribs today. I like to cook them as a mix of BBQ styles. Low and slow with lots of smoke, American BBQ style. I only use coarse salt as a direct seasoning on the ribs, but I make a salmuera to baste them with, Argentine style. I'll be using my WSM. I got my WSM about...
  14. Thegreenchilemonster

    fermenting Rocoto Ferment

    I have a large fermented rocoto mash that I am thinking of turning into hot sauce. I don't typically do pepper ferments, I just had a ton of rocoto at the end of last season. I used a Big Mouth Bubbler wine fermenter for the mash. It has been fermenting for 6 months already, and smells...
  15. Thegreenchilemonster

    TheGreenChileMonster's 2017 GLOG

    Now that it is almost time to plant out, I figured I'd start up my GLOG for the year. I've cut out almost all superhots this year, and am growing solely peppers I regularly cook with. Here is a link to my glog last year: I...
  16. Thegreenchilemonster

    Chinese Chiles as a Biological Weapon?
  17. Thegreenchilemonster

    smoking Smoked Meat

    Anyone else grilling/smoking today? I didn't see a recent dedicated BBQ/Smoking topic in here, so I figured I'd start one up. My wife's company gives her a free turkey every year, so naturally I had to smoke it. I brined it for 24 hours, as usual, but didn't do any injections like I did on...
  18. Thegreenchilemonster

    Post Your Aji Amarillo For a Prize

    In an effort to pass along some great seeds to grow, I have devised this contest. Post pics of your aji amarillo plants with pods, and/or harvested aji amarillo pods from this year (2016), and you will be sent some aji pacay seeds. Aji pacay is a sub cultivar of aji amarillo, but much larger...
  19. Thegreenchilemonster

    Anniversary Contest!

    To celebrate my upcoming 1000th post, and one year anniversary on the THP, I would like to have a contest. How many ripe pods can I pick from this red charapita plant on the day of my 1000th post? The winner will get an MFRB of pods, seeds, powders, dried pods, and many other goodies. United...
  20. Thegreenchilemonster

    Sick Chocolate Bhutlah

    I'm posting this up to see if anyone else has seen this before. I started this chocolate bhutlah indoors around December of last year, it was growing perfectly normal in a 1 gallon pot, but was taking up a lot of space, which I needed for all of the rest of my plants, so I topped it. I top...