Good morning. This is from store baught chillies. Hotter than JalapeƱo. By far. They are yellow from the beginning then orange and then red.
Fruits point upwards until they are fully developed.
Good afternoon
I have no idea what these are. The biggest ones are bigger than a pea and where I take them off the plants there is a leasion so they suck on the stems. I took off about twenty or so.
This plant is the only one of its kind here of the almost 200 plants I have.
The plant grows with lots of branches and growing fast. The flowers are small.
The plant is also velvety hairy.
Good morning.
Here in our little valley it is now summer in full swing.
I would like to know where to buy seed in one place that has a large variety to choose from and that would send it here to Argentina. If not at least to then send it to family in Wisconsin.
Please send some links of...
I am going to try an germinate old seed and some hard to germinate seeds under pressure.
Any info out there?? š¤
Probably about 1 Bar?
Of course nothing coplicated. Linyera style only.
Greetings from Argentina
Good afternoon.
Here the weather is hot and sunny and has been realy warm for several weeks now. Spring is here. The plants from last year and the year before are growing like weeds. The first flowers of the JalapeƱos is almost open and the bell peppers are also making some buds.
The chillies...
We have very mild winters here where we live. A kind of micro climate with almost no frost. The chilli plants, we have outside only, were cut of at a foot above ground at the end of June and they all started making new shoots during the winter. Now that spring is hete they are really picking up...
Here in Argentina where we live we shop mainly in small shops. The greengrocer where I buy is Bolivian so I asked him to get me some Rocoto chile.
He will be bringing some in a few days, but he warned me that they are very very hot!
I will try them an for sure save the seeds.
I will post a...
This year we made nearly 100 pounds of hotsauce. That was just the beginning. (In a land where black pepper is considdered too hot!!) Powder too but mainly sweet and sour type boiled. Also fermented for the first time. Next year hopefully more fermented. Really good stuff.
Our winter is now...
Good morning.
I would like to mention that I baught seed from @RobStar and he really sent generous amounts of seed and also freebees!
Thanks a lot.
Now its on me to see if I can germinate the stuff and make it grow.
Thanks Mr Jangles
Good day to all chilliheads!
I always dry the chillies in the sun here in autumn and early winter.
I have dried them with heat before and the whole farm ends up having a lovely chilli flavour.
The result is powder that is not as tasty. I believe that a lot of the good stuff evaporates with...
Good evening.
I was taking a stroll in the riverine forrest here on our land this afternoon. Rocky terrain with high trees and lots of undergrowth.
This is part of the natural distribution of C. chacoense. The type description of the bush here is Chaco espinal. Thorney Chaco.
There are...
Good afternoon.
I see lots of paprika powder for sale. The one thing I do not find is seeds of "Paprika" or "Paprica" for sale.
Any suggestions?
I started looking on Google here in Argentina for seed of peppers. I found some surprizing info. I will try some of it and if they turn out worth while I will post info. Don't hold your breath. I first want to plant and see what grows.
Maybe its useless info, but maybe usefull to someone in the...
Good afternoon.
I am harvesting peppers. For now small batches. A bit of all. I mix all together at this stage. All for me and family.Salsa. Like chuney. It goes very fast hete with the wife and I so we have to make lots.
Good times.
Good afternoon.
My wife loves stuffed peppers. For now its Bell peppers, but surely there are more intetesting ones.
Any suggestions on what I should plant?