Search results

  1. logchief

    Yellow Fingers

    I got these seeds from Boutrous, he called them Yellow Fingers, can't find any info on them, checked the database at chiliman. A couple are turning redish orange and nothing yellow yet. I'm thinking maybe a cross. They taste good and have good hot hab heat. It's my best producing plant so...
  2. logchief

    Memorial Day

    Here is too all those who have served or are serving this great country and given so much. :cheers: :cheers:
  3. logchief

    health Brownish Yellow Spots

    I'm getting some brownish/yellow spots on leaves on some of my chinese and pubescens. The annums seem to be doing fine. Here are a couple of pics. Any ideas??? This is a Datil leaf Manzano leaf and plant
  4. logchief

    Stunted Plants

    I've got two or three chinese (Or Hab & Carib Red) that appear to be getting stunted. They came out with great big leaves and now just little tiny leaves and buds unlike the other plants.
  5. logchief

    First Carib Red Pod

    My chinese are really starting to flower. One fo the Caribbean Reds has already set it's first pod??? Some of my annums have set pods, but I guess that was expected with them. Thoughts or should I just :woohoo: and carry on Caribbean Red Choc Hab And everybody else enjoying the...
  6. logchief

    HBD 1498 vs Red Lobster

    Had a family dinner last night at Red Lobster, not the greatest seafood in the world but the cheddar bisquits are great. I thought I'd let somebody tag along. Lobester Bisque drizzled with 1498, the sweetness of both together was quite delelctable Crab cakes and Legs with 1498 dippin sauce...
  7. logchief

    Black Hungarian

    I was just given a Black Hungarian as a present along with other stuff for retiring off of this teaching cadre I've been with for the last 20 years. They knew I grew peppers and thought ii something good to add. It looks like a nice plant with pretty purple flowers. From what I can find...
  8. logchief


    Well I've got some plants that are busting at the seams in their 18 oz. beer cups. I was planning on potting up the biggest ones up to 5 gal. pot this weekend to go outside. Forecast is high from the mid 50s to mid 60s and lows down to mid 40s, plus cloudy and rain showers all week. Crap, we...
  9. logchief

    Pinching Buds

    Here's some of my Annums (NuMex 6-4 and Jalmundo) that are starting to get some buds, and was just wondering how long to wait to pinch them off. I'm potting up the majority of the rest of my plants up to the beer cups this afternoon. I wish I had room for a month or so to put them into...
  10. logchief

    Tango Uniform Jalmundo

    I think this little Jalmundo is not going to make it. :mope: Any thoughts? I can always start another seed. Also the T Scorp is getting a little yellow.
  11. logchief

    White Fuzzy Growth on Starting Mix

    I've got a white fuzzy growth on top of the soil in 4 or 5 cells of my seedling boxes. It appears to begin right at or on the popcicle stick. Do I have a problem :confused: :confused:
  12. logchief

    Logchief's 2011 Grow

    Well here I go for my first start from seed :dance: and second season. Finished the grow station this morning. Thanks :cheers: to all here at THP for the tips and info here to come up with the design for a simple small germination and seedling starter. Here are a few pics of the station...
  13. logchief

    Last of 2010

    One plant left to harvest for 2010. Was an interesting learning experience this first year and still facing a steep learning curve but looking forward to 2011 grow (meager be it comapred to others here) This orange hab was my best producer, they look like they were worth waiting for...
  14. logchief

    seeds-germination Deep Root Seed Starting System

    Any of you folks ever seen or used this, link below? Looks like it would do the trick for me with bottom watering (using a soil less mix) and ability to maintain for a few days as I travel right now. I'm wanting to set up a seed germination and seedling station in a front bedroom and use...
  15. logchief

    T5 vs T12

    Is it worth the extra money for a T5 light setup vs. T12. (I understand T12 are being phased out) I'm only looking at using one 4ft. 4 tube fixture in the grow stand I'm going to build to germinate and get seedlings started before being potted outside. It will be inside in a spare bedroom in a...
  16. logchief

    Adding Harold's St. Barts for 2011

    I'm thinking about adding Harold's St. Barts to my grow for 2011, but have heard very little about it..I've seen a few positive comments, curious what those that have grown them have to say.
  17. logchief

    I'm Gonna Be A First Time Grandpa

    Just gotta a call from my son, gonna be a Grandpa :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Mrs. Logchief is bouncing off the walls :dance: :dance: :dance:
  18. logchief

    Here's To All The Vets On THP

    Here is a BIG THANKS to all the veterans on THP for their service to the people of the USA or any other country's Vets, we have a lot represented here. And especially those that gave the ultimate sacrafice :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
  19. logchief

    T Scorp Retards

    My T Scorp from AJs stock is finally getting pods, but only one looks like a t scorp. Any thoughts??? This one and the other smaller ones appear to be retards :D
  20. logchief

    soil-media Soil MIx for Pots

    I looking at what would be best for my next years grow with planting mixes. I've read through LGHT's soil post, which is great and have seen a lot of folks here post about Pro Mix. I guess my big question is do folks run 100% potting soil, like Pro Mix or a blend. I started off this year (my...