Search results

  1. 15MinuteBurn

    other-condiments For Salsa Lady. Pure Evil.

    Hello everyone! I haven't done any hot sauce reviews in forever. I still eat spicy stuff. At any rate, along time ago, I got a tester bottle of Pure Evil from Salsa Lady. Did a video on it. And its semi viral 30,000+ views. So hopefully it has brought some traffic. Lately I have been absorbed...
  2. 15MinuteBurn

    making-powder Tablespoon of Ghost Pepper Powder Challenge

    Deleted by original poster.
  3. 15MinuteBurn

    review Heartbreaking Dawns Mauvais Sang Review.

    Hey guys my brother joined me in the review in the video. First off let me say. After a few hours my brother and I had the worst stomach aches ever. This is why you dont do reviews on an empty stomach. I was doubled up on the floor. On to the sauce. Mauvais Sang is more of an extreme sauce. It...
  4. 15MinuteBurn

    Your top three sauces for eating with.

    So I am curious what are your guys top three favorite sauces to eat with, at the moment. Honorable mentions are fine. I just thought with alot of people asking what good tasting sauces are out there perhaps this thread would open up alot of ideas since it is what we actually eat with. Lets...
  5. 15MinuteBurn

    review Salsalady's Pure Evil Review

    So I gotta correct a thing or two first off haha, and sorry my video is so short battery was really low. This isnt extract it is capsaicin crystal diluted into alcohol. It is by far the hottest thing I have had. Whats weird is it didnt make me go as red in the face and stuff like peppers do. The...
  6. 15MinuteBurn

    Would like to get some super hots for a friend.

    Hey guys I have a friend whom I would like to get some pods for. Yes he wants pods so its not a cruel joke haha. They dont need to be crazy exotic or anything. Bhuts or even some Chocolate habs would be cool. Hope its not too late.
  7. 15MinuteBurn

    Sauce Giveway Winners Announced!

    Hey guys. First off thanks to everyone who has watched my videos of me torturing myself haha. So as a way to give back to everyone. I am doing a giveway. Basically I explain everything in my video and, this is somewhat promoting my youtube channel too, so hopefully this is the right place...
  8. 15MinuteBurn

    1 Million Scoville units of pepper extract

    I think my title is right. Anyway this wasnt one of my brightest ideas haha. But I didnt even get a single bit of stomach pain! All in the preperation lol. I hope it at least entertains.
  9. 15MinuteBurn

    wanted Want to buy a Brain Strain or two.

    Hopefully its not too late to still get ahold of one. Hit me up I just need 2 or 3. Thanks Steele
  10. 15MinuteBurn

    Heart Throb review featured on companys website!

    Well guys last night my Heart Throb review I did was featured on! The Chilli Pepper Company took my review and highlighted on the main home page and the sauces page. I am pumped as TCPC is one of my favorite hot sauce companys!
  11. 15MinuteBurn

    The Chilli Pepper Company's Heart Throb

    Hey guys got this sauce in today and I thought I would review it today as well. A great sauce with an excellent heat for an all natural sauce. Awesome limited edition packaging too! Flavor was great with a sweet slightly vegetably flavor...
  12. 15MinuteBurn

    food Quaker Steak and Lube Triple Atomic Wings.

    So today me and some friends and my brother were driving around a bigger city we visit on occasion, and I saw a Quaker Steak and Lube. I remembered seeing they won the award for best tasting wings on our very own Any way we went there for supper later. I saw they had a Atomic...
  13. 15MinuteBurn

    wanted Looking for some super hots.

    Hey guys I am looking to try a 7 Pot, a fresh chocolate habanero, a Jonah 7 pot, or basically some more superhots as I have ran out. I still would like to do a Brain Strain as well. These are ones I have tried and dont currently want, Trinidad scorpion, and Butch T, naga morich, and bhut...
  14. 15MinuteBurn

    Best chilli reactions I have seen.

    So last night some friends came over and courtesy of Lazienfat they tried a Habalokia , I tried a huge Trinidad Scorpion/Habanero cross of his, and my brother tried a Chocolate Habanero that was dried courtesy of...
  15. 15MinuteBurn

    review My Butch T Trinidad Scorpion video

    Here it is guys. Thank again to Judy for supplying me with these.
  16. 15MinuteBurn

    review Lazienfat's Habanero Trinidad Scorpion review!

    Hey guys this pepper was sent to me by our own Lazienfat to review! It is a Trinidad Scorpion Habanero! Lovely taste and a good amount of heat, major tongue burn. Tonight I am doing his Habalokia and then tomorrow I hope a Butch T!
  17. 15MinuteBurn

    review Trinidad Scorpion 7 Pot Video

    Hey guys another super hot I tried last night, courtesy of Ted the Fire Breathing Idiot. This was a Trinidad Scorpion 7 Pot, and it was hot :mouthonfire: . Easily as hot as the Trinidad Scorpion I reviewed last week. The taste was I think, kinda earthy, mild, and somewhat sweet. Skin was...
  18. 15MinuteBurn

    wanted Want to Buy Trinidad Scorpion Butch T and or Brain Strain.

    Would like a few of these. Get with me if you have some to sell. I can payapal money. PM or Email works best Thanks Steeley
  19. 15MinuteBurn

    review Bhut Jolokia video.

    Hey guys! Hopefully I am not overdosing you guys with videos, I am just trying to jump start my youtube channel a little, plus all these peppers need testing before they go bad! This pepper made my lips so numb they went partially paralyzed. Very good pepper lots of flavor. I have a hot sauce...
  20. 15MinuteBurn

    wanted Looking for Sweet peppers.

    Hey guys I am looking at broadening my pepper pallat. I would like to get some sweeter peppers, or peppers that are known for smoky flavors and citrus ones. But if you just have pods to sell let me know. You can email me that would be best at Thanks Steeley