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  1. MoWhiskey

    need info

    Haven't been here in awhile. My wife has taken over the pepper growing, and we have no idea what is wrong with this plant. It's right in front of fan could that be a problem?
  2. MoWhiskey

    Another 5 inches of rain

    With all this rain here in N Florida, not sure what to do with my young plants. They are getting wet everyday and seem to be falling over.   Will all this rain wash away all the nutrients??
  3. MoWhiskey

    Back into Growing

    Hey guys it has been awhile , but I gave up growing peppers with all the problems(mainly Deer eating every thing).  Now think I have a solution to the deer so want to get back into growing. Long story short. I had a couple Datil and Ghost that were still hanging around but I think just...
  4. MoWhiskey

    any idea what this is

    Any idea what this is? Looks like a Reaper ,Hab,etc. but has no heat. Has a smokey taste , :
  5. MoWhiskey

    Identify please

  6. MoWhiskey

    How Long

    I dried several bags of Hot and Super Hots to try and sell last year. They are in little ziplocks now.. How long can I keep and try to sell ????
  7. MoWhiskey

    fertilizer-nutrients Too much water-Not enough Fertilizer????

    Live in N Florida and have been getting heavy rain everyday, See 3 pics and comment as to too much water, or maybe not enough fertilizer....Suggestions Please #1 http:// #2 http:// #3 http://
  8. MoWhiskey

    Wasn't Ready for The Freeze

    Any hope for peppers after being left out in freeze In North Florida that I wasn't prepared for. I did manage to move some to a porch,but most all leaves are falling or fell off. Some were young plants but most were 2-3 year old. Any suggestions or just start over ...
  9. MoWhiskey

    Damaged Peppers URGENT!!!!!

    Are these bugs [/URL]">http:// doing this to my peppers? [/URL]">http:// [/URL]">http:// If so how do i get rid of them??? I was told try soap and peppermint oil??????
  10. MoWhiskey

    Leaves shrinking,look bad

    Any idea what is happening to these Red Hot Portugals? [/URL]">http://  
  11. MoWhiskey

    pests bugs

    Looked in Pest guide didn't see. Are these bugs bad for my peppers [/URL]">http://  [/URL]">http://
  12. MoWhiskey

    making-powder Selling Pepper and Flakes

    Not sure where to post ,so will start here.   Looking to sell some of my peppers and flakes at a Local Farmers Market, and would like any info you guys might have. As to pricing,packaging etc. Any and all suggestions are appreaciated.
  13. MoWhiskey

    chinense What to do with the Reaper

    Starting to pick my Reaper pods,now what to do with them.  Dry,freeze or just sell?
  14. MoWhiskey

    repotting question

    Can Peppers be repotted while they have growing pods? 
  15. MoWhiskey

    BT on pepper plants

    Can I spray my Peppers with BT? I'm under seige of the tomatoe horn catapillar...
  16. MoWhiskey

    What might this be??

    Sorry to post these, but don't think I'm getting what i order. [/URL]">http://
  17. MoWhiskey

    ?Carolina Reaper?

    Is this a Carolina Reaper???? Ok I got the seeds from a big name dealer, have 3 plants  I thought the Reaper had a tail, which these pods don't show one.  Are they maybe still growing and the tail comes later? They are about the size of a golfball now. [/URL]">http://
  18. MoWhiskey

    What happened to my Pods

    Anyone have an idea what happened to my Ghost pods(see pics)? I don't see any insects, plant looks good. This is on all pods  [/URL]">http:// [/URL]">http:// [/URL]">http:// Other Ghost plants seem ok
  19. MoWhiskey

    Weak stalks

    Is there anything I can do to my young plants that keep falling over? After all the heavy rain yesterday they look awful. They look like their leaves are outgrowing the stalks/trunk. I have them propped up with skewers but they are so small can't tie.   Any suggestions??
  20. MoWhiskey

    Miracle-gro Tomato fert.

    Just a quick question. Just used per instruction now leaves and buds falling off.  What could have happened???