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  1. Pam

    This is new

    If you sit on the toilet in my bathroom, the window raises. I noticed the window was open last night when I thought I had closed it, but I didn't think anything of it. The Puppy Au Pair just came in all wide-eyed, though, so I went back and flopped on the toilet, and sure enough, the window...
  2. Pam


    *cue Duran Duran's "Hungry Like the Wolf* *points at AJ & sings* Burning the ground, I break from the crowd I'm on the hunt I'm after you!
  3. Pam

    PSP repair

    I managed, through lots of fancy footwork and some out and out lying, to swing a PSP for the Puppy Au Pair this Christmas. She and the PSP have been inseperable ever since. We even set up a wireless router so she could get on line when I'm not home. Well, the inevitable has happened, she...
  4. Pam

    outdoors Barreleye fish It's so cool! It doesn't even look real, it looks like a cartoon.
  5. Pam

    There are no moderators around, so...

    * turns up stereo real loud* * jimmies the lock on the liquor cabinate* ParTAy Gentlemen! Ohhhh....who wants to go skinny dipping in the pool!
  6. Pam

    Interesting toy: Easybloom Prolly not something most of us need, but an interesting toy, nonetheless. I was thinking how mice it would be to hand it to friends and say "Here, put this where you want to grow that tomato, and bring it back after 24...
  7. Pam

    # 5000

    Run little boys run! I'm on your 6, and bringing smoke!
  8. Pam


    So, I had to help with the reception after a funeral yesterday, and Mom wanted me to bring some poppers over for guests staying at the house. Massive whining ensued, but I finally agreed to bring some mild to medium ones over. As I begrudgingly dug through the freezer, I stumbled across a little...
  9. Pam

    Chichen Itza Hybrid

    So, I'm catalog fondling, and I see a pepper called Chichen Itza Hybrid, a hybrid habanero with excellent fruit set and high yield. 15,000-18,000 scoville. It *looks* like a habanero, a long, wrinkled orange habanero, so do you think the scoville rating is a typo?
  10. Pam

    Trinidad Seasoning

    From " Trinidad Seasoning: 75 days. Habanero-type that is top-shaped, lime green turning yellow quickly. (Unavailable for 2009) " *shakes finger at reader* Mind what I say, Trinidad Seasoning is disappearing just as this...
  11. Pam

    Nooooooooooooo!!! *sob* "The number of men having breast reduction operations in the UK is rising dramatically" Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! *sob* *choke* Why? Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Pam

    I know you guys will be relieved Peer reveals 'cello scrotum' hoax A top doctor has admitted her part in hoodwinking a leading medical journal after inventing a medical condition called "cello scrotum". Elaine Murphy - now Baroness Murphy - dreamt up the painful complaint in the...
  13. Pam

    What I'm going to do on my summer vacation

    Ok, I think this is the final list of varieties. I'm not sure yet how many of each I will be growing. Capsicum baccatuum 1. Aji Angelo 2. Aji de la Tierra 3. Brazilian Pumpkin 4. Earbob 5. Guyana PI199506 6. Heart Throb 7. Kaleidoscope 8. Lemon Drop 9. Queen Laurie 10. Chaco Yellow 11...
  14. Pam

    How stupid?

    There is another article on a local TV web site about catching an adult soliciting sex from a minor. Now, I don't want to get into a discussion on the evils of sickos who abuse children. Instead, note at the bottom of the story where it...
  15. Pam

    Great Inauguration Story

    Deleted by author
  16. Pam

    Wood he know?

    We were sitting in the break room, and I was picking at our only male co-worker, who was picking back. He is about as skinny as they come. He said he weighed 155 lbs, and I couldn't believe it. I mean, he is *bony*! So, I asked him if he had lead in his boots, and he stood up, put his hands on...
  17. Pam

    Two Word Turd commentary.

    You know, I'm good with words, but damn if Thehotpepper can't throw me for a loop.
  18. Pam

    Hotter peppers and carbs

    So, I found a hydroponics place today, and was able to purchase some Forest Fox potting soil. While I was there, the owner was chatting with another customer and showing her some stuff he had in a bucket behind the counter. He said it was an organic mix of his own making, and he ate some to...
  19. Pam

    Cow Pots

    In my ongoing quest to be a greener gardener, I decided to give Cow Pots a try this year. Since peat is a nonrenewable resource, and plastic is a problem with decomposition and landfills, finding a green seed starting method hasn't been easy. They are starting to make pots from coconut fiber...
  20. Pam

    We interrupt tonight's fun for this important message...

    Please welcome your Alien Overlords, pathetic huuu-mons! We now return you to your regularly scheduled tomfoolery already in progress.