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  1. OCD Chilehead

    off-topic Reactions replaced discussion?

    Just an observation. Is it just me? I see a lot of content and no discussion. I was out of the seen for a couple years and seems times have changed. Not the same energy as it was when I joined in 2014. Feels more like a social media site than a discussion forum. We always have had the like...
  2. OCD Chilehead


    What’s up with the THP adverts??? It’s been a while since I’ve watched porn. 😉😂 Thought it was humorous. If you get some crazy shit like me, post it.
  3. OCD Chilehead

    food OCD’S: SMOKE, FIRE, & FRY

    Chuck here. Chile enthusiast. Amateur cook. I enjoy cooking and eating good food. I own multiple smokers. 3 Weber Smokey Mountains and an accessorized Oklahoma Joe that I need to tune up. By tune up, I mean cut the old smoke stack out and relocate it at grill level. It sucks. I prefer the...
  4. OCD Chilehead

    OCD 2023

    Been debating on growing or starting a GLOG. Doing both. I had some Goats Weed and Pusa Sadabahar plants from last year. I overwintered. Kept them in the kitchen window until a few weeks ago. Set up my tent and threw them in there. They were flowering like crazy and had pods on them in the...
  5. OCD Chilehead


    Happy Birthday Greg. Hope all is well, where ever you may be. We miss ya. You Rock!
  6. OCD Chilehead


    Was trying to click on a members profile to send message. Nothing happens when I click on avatar or name. Does this mean they've been banned? I think I remember it saying banned under avatar. I haven't seen them post in the past week. Could be the case. Thank you. Chuck
  7. OCD Chilehead

    OCD 2017!!!

    Well it's 2017. Finally! Last year was a success, as far as the ground plants were concerned. Virgin, clay ground. My Chinese got smacked by hail twice! No room for error with those. Out of 12 plants I got ONE BBG. First and only. That variety is cursed. Tried for the past 3 years and some sort...
  8. OCD Chilehead

    Happy Birthday GA Growhead

    Happy Birthday GA Growhead. Hope all is well
  9. OCD Chilehead


  10. OCD Chilehead

    Crockpot Puree and Hot Sauce

    I decide to try my Crockpot for puree. Ive used it for hotsauce before, so why not to reduce puree. One can put it out side, or in front of a window with a exhaust fan. No more nasty fumes. Set it, leave it, and give a stir every once in awhile. This is my secound batch this week. Alabama...
  11. OCD Chilehead

    Reprocessing Jelly

    I've made batches of jelly and jam with great success. I have a few jars that didn't setup well. I think it was to big of a batch. Ive read smaller batches work better. I'm used to canning salsa. LOL! I've read one can process the the jam or jelly again. I tried it and it didn't work. I added a...
  12. OCD Chilehead


    Anyone hear from Greg? I miss his glog's and kitchen projects.
  13. OCD Chilehead

    Happy Birthday Ozzy2001

    Happy birthday Scott. Hope you have a great day.
  14. OCD Chilehead

    Happy Father's Day!!!

    Wishing all my fellow Chilehead's, a Happy Father's Day. Do what you want today. A big thanks to my dad. Love ya pops.
  15. OCD Chilehead

    OCD 2016

    Ok, I wasn't going to do a glog this year. So many projects going on with the house, but part of that is a new garden plot. So, I guess this is the best way to document progress. I'm running a drip irrigation this year to free up my time for other things. Last year I discovered Aerogardening. I...
  16. OCD Chilehead


    Wishing all you mothers out there, a happy mothers day. Enjoy your day. Thanks mom for being there for me.
  17. OCD Chilehead

    DIY LED Basics

    I've been recently educating myself on DIY led builds. There have been a few members on here that have provided a wealth of information. Thanks a bunch. I found a 6 part, step by step video's that explain in detail. Thanks to growmau5 on YouTube. Thought I would pass this information on. It gave...
  18. OCD Chilehead


    The Hot Pepper is my go to for information. Sometimes I like a old fashion read, consisting of paper and binding. Here is a book I recently purchased to add to the coffee table. It consists of 400 of the most popular varieties compiled from crosscountry nursery and Janie Lamson...
  19. OCD Chilehead

    Is this Dilley Street Tamwork?

    Was given this plant by a friend here. It was labeled as a Prik pepper. The peppers have turned from green-purple-yellow-orange-red. Thinking Dilley Street Tamwork.
  20. OCD Chilehead

    Happy Mothers Day

    Have a happy Mother's Day to you all.