Search results

  1. tctenten

    Grant Michaels or Russian Bots?

    Just spent 45 minutes welcoming all of our new members. If I missed anyone...welcome to THP.
  2. tctenten

    Reply box

    Not sure if it is intentional, but look how small the reply box is. Even for this message it is tiny. I am on Iphone Thanks Boss. Not sure if others are having same issue.
  3. tctenten

    Merry Christmas to everyone at THP

    I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys some time with family and friends. A special Merry Christmas to Dan...aka Pookie...the Boss for keeping this place run like a well oiled machine.
  4. tctenten

    harvesting Harvest time in the northeast

    Starting to get overrun by peppers Here are my pickings from yesterday and today. Most if this years crop will be fermented for future sauce making projects.
  5. tctenten


    :dance:  :onfire:    Pooks….WTF   I just got an alert that I used to many emoticons?   :rolleyes:  :P    
  6. tctenten

    TC's 2017 Garden State Grow

    I finally went through the seed stock and picked out the varieties that I am going to grow this year.     Rocoto---Mira Flores Market Yellow  Rocoto---Peru Cusco Rocoto---Ecuadorian Red  Rocoto---Peruvian Red Rocoto---Guatemalan Red  Rocoto---Padre Onore  Rocoto---Pineapple  Aji Amarillo Aji...
  7. tctenten

    seed-plant-vendors Cutting Board by Jamison

    Jamison posted a few pictures of cutting boards in a cutlery thread and I knew that I wanted one. I am so tired of using, and continually replacing plastic cutting boards. I choose to go with a cherry wood board and I could not be happier with his work. Thanks again Jamison.
  8. tctenten

    Back to beer

    During the pepper off season here in the northeast, I try to get a few brews in. Trying out some new gadgets today.
  9. tctenten

    for-sale Caramel Brainstrain SFRB for sale

    Conus only, Paypal only. Picked this morning, mailed tomorrow if anyone buys them. Respond here if you are interested. $20
  10. tctenten

    Vintage '16

    The freezer is just about full of pods, so it is time to start making some sauces. The plum sauce is a return from last year and the Yellapeno is a new one.
  11. tctenten

    auction MFRB of pods ***Auction Closed****

    My unwillingness to process these pods could be your gain.  The pods were picked this morning and if anyone buys them, shipped tomorrow morning.  CONUS only, bid early, bid often.  Paypal only.     Here are the peppers in the MFRB         Just over 5lbs         A group shot of the peppers    ...
  12. tctenten

    SFRB giveaway ends at kickoff tonight

    Tonight me beloved J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets, play the hated NY Giants in the annual preseason game.  Pick the winner and by how many points they win by.   The tiebreaker if needed will be total points scored in the game.   Example of what I am looking for:   Jets  7 points   41 points Jets  14...
  13. tctenten

    Time to make the sauce

    It is time to start making some sauces. First up will be a Yellow Jalapeno with roasted garlic and roasted onions. Lets get started. Sterilizing the bottles. My wife was nice enough to roast the garlic and onion while I was at work. The peppers cooking down in water. I...
  14. tctenten

    Sfrb giveaway...closes tonight at 8pm Eastern

    This will be an easy one. All you have to do is guess how many Mystery Citrus/Charapita I picked yesterday. Yes I know the answer because I counted as I picked them. I will limit it to US only. Please submit one guess, no edits by 8pm eastern tonight and the closest guess will receive a...
  15. tctenten

    for-sale Peppers for sale...SFRB...MFRB

    Left to right Lemon Drop CGN 19211, Inca Berry/Lemon Drop cross, Lemon Drop Select CGN 17036, 7-Pot Orange         Shishito     Red BBG7       Aji Limon       Goats Weed & Aji Jobito       Bahamian Goat       Aji Margariteno       Brown BBG7(no Calyx) & Large Orange Thai       Aji...
  16. tctenten

    for-sale Fresh picked pods for sale ***Updated List***

        Starting with the top row.   Aji Pineapple Aji Jobito ---  All Sold Large Orange Thai Brown BBG7 Aji Margariteno Various Rocoto ---not for sale Lemon Drop X Inca Berry F1 cross by D3--- All Sold Mystery Citrus --- All Processed   Row 2   Mystery Wine ---not for sale Bahamian Goat Aji Rosita...
  17. tctenten

    Make your own SFRB **Sold**

    One freshly picked SFRB to be mailed tomorrow morning. $20 paypal only, continental US only. Top row Aji Margariteno, Farmers Jalapeno, Aji Jobito Red BBG7, Large Orange Thai Baha Goat, D3monic Goat, MOA Aji Rosita Red, Caramel Brainstrain, 7-Pot Orange CGN19211 Lemon Drop, Aji Limon...
  18. tctenten

    for-sale Lindberg SFRB for sale**sold***

    I came home and have way too many pods. 2 Aji Margariteno 8 Aji Jobito 4 Aji Rosita Red I will try to add another pod or two if I can fit them. The Aji Margariteno barely fit they are so big. $20 Paypal, continental US only. Picked today and will be mailed Monday if anyone claims them.
  19. tctenten

    What is everyone making for Easter?

    We are hosting Easter this year, so preparations are under way. The first thing up was the bread. I tried a new recipe/process and I got 2 of the prettier boules to date. Happy Easter and please feel free to post what you are having.
  20. tctenten

    food Some leftover dough from the Throwdown

    I had made some pizza doughs for the throwdown, but decided not to use them. They turned into dinner tonight. No heat, but here they are. A veggie stromboli and a cheese calzone.