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  1. samcanadian

    outdoors We went hunting for Canada Goose last night and I took some GoPro footage

    So me and three friends took the John Boat onto a flooded field last night and waited around for the feeding geese to lift off the fields and come back to the water to sleep.   Here's a vid of us paddling out         And here's one of us hunting.  The video's a bit...
  2. samcanadian

    Weird round peppers? Look like tomatoes? Turning lighter green?

    So here's a shot of a pepper I have growing that I can't figure out.  At first I figured it was a bell due to it's non-long shape...but as they continue to grow they're not looking like bells anymore.  They're starting to lighten up and get almost yellowy.  I will take some more pics tonight and...
  3. samcanadian

    pests What's this bug?

  4. samcanadian

    Ok I'm frustrated and a little worried.

    Do ANY of these look like serranos to anyone? 1 2 3 4 They're either serranos or Mini bells...and I'm starting to wonder if my wife mislabelled them when she planted them. So far the habanero plants look like habanero plants and the jalapeños look like jalapeños.....but for some...
  5. samcanadian

    What kind of pepper/pepper plant does this look like to you?

        It's supposed to be a Serrano...but from what I know of Serranos it sure doesn't look like one!   This one is obviously a Jalapeno...or is it?     I'm starting to doubt the way I labelled my pots :rofl:
  6. samcanadian

    baking First Pizza on the Baking Steel

    I hope I don't get trouble for cross posting this, but I wanted to make sure I get these pictures in the proper forum!   I had a baking steel fabricated lately, and tonight was our first opportunity to try out a few pies.   First off, my semi fail pizza crusts.  They sat in the fridge for about...
  7. samcanadian

    What's the coldest weather your plants have experienced?

    It's supposed to drop to around 5 degrees Celsius overnight (41 degrees F) Should I be worried? It'll likely only get that cold for an hour or so and then the sun will peek up...but I'm a little nervous.
  8. samcanadian

    Earthworms/Night Crawlers

    So there's a spot under this old elm tree at my parents house that is a literal honey hole for earth worms.  My Dad will go out late at night with a flashlight and bug spray and scoop 30-40 night crawlers every time.   Now, would it be worthwhile for me to go out there with him and fill up a...
  9. samcanadian

    Three very basic, noobish questions for you all...

    Ok, so here are a few pictures and a few questions.   1. First off...the yellowed, wrinkled spots around the edges of some of the plants in these that just sun scalding or something else?  These plants in particular have been out in the sun without any shade since I put them all...
  10. samcanadian

    indoor-growing Indoor Peppers...

    I've got a ton of extra habaneros in Peat Pots that are very healthy...but have outgrown their current homes.  I don't have much space on my patio anymore to put new plants, and frankly these guys are a little bit too small to plan on growing for this season...but I was wondering if it'd be...
  11. samcanadian

    Samcanadian's Great White North Glog, 2014

    I figured I'd put as much information I can find in this thread, not only to make it easier for others to help me...but to maybe help other growers who are at the noob stage like I'm at.  (Maybe I'll ask some of the dumb questions so they don't have to!)   This year I'm growing Serranos...
  12. samcanadian

    How cold is "too Cold" for newly potted Plants?

    I just planted 18 plants outdoors after hardening off for a week, and the temperature is supposed to drop to a low of  9 Degrees Celsius overnight (48 degrees Fahrenheit) for likely only an hour or two.     Should I be bringing my plants indoors, or will they be able to weather the dip in...
  13. samcanadian

    Authentic Ukrainian Perogies

    Every year we get together at my Parents house and set up an assembly line for the creation of one stinkload of Perogies.   Perogies are, as Wikipedia puts it:    So without further ado, here's a look at what goes into making some 1,200 odd Perogies in a day.   First off, creation of the dough...
  14. samcanadian

    grilling A few pictures of my smoking/grilling adventures

    I just joined this site the other day and was glad to see there was a BBQ/Grilling section!     I thought I'd throw in a few pics of some food and add myself to the list of guys who are enthusiastic about Meat, Smoke and outdoor cooking!                                  
  15. samcanadian

    sun Is this sun scalding?

    My wife left our plants out for quite a long time on the second day of our "hardening off" period while I was at work without realizing they should be in the shade. These are the worst instances. So if it is, what do I do, and If it's not.......what do I do?
  16. samcanadian

    Hot Red Peppers in the Great White North!

    Hi all!   Posting from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and really enjoying my first foray into the world of growing my own peppers.     I've started with Habanero, Jalapeno and Serrano peppers as well as some mini-Bells my wife requested and we're in the middle of hardening them off and are getting...