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  1. J

    Favourite tomato variety

    Growing this year Black Cherry Maglia Rosa Kellogs Breakfast X Orange Jazz George Detsikas Italian Red Aunt Rubys German Green Paul Robeson Sungold Black from Tula   Going to try and put my plant spacing closer than most years and prune more aggressively to hopefully stave off disease pressure
  2. J

    Are you cutting back the grow in 2017 or expanding?

    Cutting back on chinenses here, way to floral,sopay tasting for me. Gonna go with more ajis and annums as they are more guest friendly at my house.
  3. J

    Todays harvest

    Tried the goat last night with dinner, was very soapy and bitter tasting compared to my MOA's which had some fruity flavors to it. Heat was pretty intense and maybe a notch or two hotter than my moa's. So far my favorite peppers are the ajis and tepin x lemon drops
  4. J

    Todays harvest

    Havent tried the Goats yet, the MOA's lit me up pretty good
  5. J

    Todays harvest

    Peppers are starting to churn out of my garden now that the crazy summer heat is gone. Nights are cooler but daytime temps areinthe low 70's which is nice for a change   Tepin X Lemon Drops, MOA Scotch Bonnets, Bahamian Goats, Cracked Jalapeno and Farmers Market Jalapeno and some Aji Pineapples...
  6. J

    health Whats wrong with my peppers? How do I fix?

    Thanks, hoping to have some pods before the middle of august if all goes well. This whole bed is full of peppers I have never had before so getting a bit anxious. Excited for the Aji varieties man those are some vigorous plants. Hit all of my peppers and eggplants again last night with some...
  7. J

    health Whats wrong with my peppers? How do I fix?

    Took everyones advice and topped/stripped/pruned all of my plants and they all seem to be recovering except my tepin x lemon drop.   Aji Amarillo bouncing back   Bahamian Goat     White Habanero     Leaves starting to curl again on the tepin x lemon drop  
  8. J

    wanted WTB Plants in Ontario, CAN

      Shot him a msg on Facebook to see if he has anything available. Thanks for the recommendation     Topped these last night and removed all affected growth, have azamax arriving tomorrow to hopefully battle off these pests. Then gonna hit them with some fertilizer this weekend once the heat...
  9. J

    health Whats wrong with my peppers? How do I fix?

    I pruned off all of the growing tips and any suckers that had weird leaf growth at lunch time. Some of the plants had some peppers still hanging so I left a few for now to see how things progress. In a bit of a heat wave here until friday so will hit them with some fertilizer on the weekend
  10. J

    wanted WTB Plants in Ontario, CAN

    Hey All   Looking like my plants are succumbing to some mite or possible herbicide spray issues. Instead of starting new seeds I would like to see if any ontarians or fellow canadians have some leftover plants to ship/sell. I have paypal, shoot me what you have available   Thanks
  11. J

    health Whats wrong with my peppers? How do I fix?

    So strip the new growth and maybe hit them with some azamax once it arrives to try and put any pests at bay? I also have some miracle grow tomato food that I will mix up and use to try and boost them along.
  12. J

    health Whats wrong with my peppers? How do I fix?

    If this were pesticide/herbicide damage what are the chances it would outgrow this? I asked a grower for a local produce company what he thought the problem was and he thinks it is 24-d or par 3 damage not mite issues. At this point I am debating ripping out my entire crop due to everything...
  13. J

    health Whats wrong with my peppers? How do I fix?

    So will azamax help the problem or do I need something else?
  14. J

    health Whats wrong with my peppers? How do I fix?

    Hey All    Went away for a 9 day vacation and came back to find all of my pepper plants looking gnarly and sickly looking. Is this mites or herbicide damage or something. I ordered some azamax to spray just in case it is aphids  
  15. J

    overwintering Whats wrong with my over wintered Aji Limon

    Ok I will maybe try flushing the soil once it drys out a bit as I just watered it. I have been using General Hydroponics Flora series at 1 Tsp each once every few weeks as the fertiiizer.
  16. J

    overwintering Whats wrong with my over wintered Aji Limon

      Hey Everyone   My OW aji limon is showing some new weird growth in the past week or two. Some of the new leaves are kind of clawed/gnarly looking compared to some of the older growth below. What is it and how do I cure it?   Thanks
  17. J

    Whens your plant out ?

    Between May 30 - June 3 here, tried earlier last year and my peppers and tomatoes did almost nothing growth wise if I planted earlier.
  18. J

    Jveri's 2016 Glog

      Things are progressing nicely!! The Ajis are still outgrowing the other varieties as of right now with the same nutrients being used.         I pruned back my Aji Lemon in hopes of spurring some new growth as it hasnt done much all winter regardless of light levels and fertilizing...
  19. J

    Jveri's 2016 Glog

      Things are progressing, basement is only 60 degrees so growth is a bit slow. Once the roots reach the second cup they have really taken off growth-wise. The AJi's are growing about 3 times as fast as all of the other annums/chinenses. Started tomatoes and eggplant the other day and...
  20. J

    What tomatoes are you growing in 2016?

    costoluto genovese costoluto fiorentino green zebra (always grow this one) BRandywine Sudduth KBX Black Cherry Carbon Jazz Spike Sungold  Maglia Rosa Aunt Ruby German Green Dester George Detsikas Italian Red