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  1. mas_fuego

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    I can't seem to find where to send the sase. Did i miss it?
  2. mas_fuego

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

      Can someone start a 2019 poll? I would like to prepare.
  3. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

    No idea what this thing is on my Cherry Bomb  
  4. mas_fuego

    Florida Growers What potting mix do you like for your peppers?

    I do a 5-1-1 mix and run a drip to waste system.
  5. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

      Now that I have a dehydrator, at least I can store them without taking up too much room. I may try jelly.
  6. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

      I tried my first Red Paper Lantern and was in serious pain for waaaaay too long. It was kind of crazy.   Thanks.
  7. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

    Starting my first round in the dehydrator. Been waiting to use it.   Here is what I have been learning so far, these opinions my not be shared by anyone else: Almost all mild peppers are not mild. Pink habaneros?nope. The only one that I have found mild and tasty so far are Aji habanero. Eating...
  8. mas_fuego

    Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

      My goal was to go from seed to fruit. So I'm good. First serious year growing. Thanks for the compliment though.
  9. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

    Today's Harvest  
  10. mas_fuego

    Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

    No scale.  Herer is my first harvest  
  11. mas_fuego

    Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

    My current plant    
  12. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

    My first ripe ripe Pink Habanero. I was expecting this to be more mild.     Scotch Bonnet MOAs     Here is where things get dicey. I got seeds from someone on Reddit and stuff is not growing true as far as I can tell.   Yellow 7 Pot         This is supposed to be Chocolate Hab     This said...
  13. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

        It's been pretty hot here lately. I wind up taking most pics early evening.   I don't know about any skills. I am trying to figure this thing out. And when you post a problem on the forums, I have found you always get three answers, two completely contradict each other, and the third...
  14. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

    My garden overall has had a fairly significant setback. While I was getting my fert injector set up with the right proportions I was seriously under fertilizing my plants and it took me a while to realize it. Some started yellowing and many started dropping fruit and leaves.  I figured it out...
  15. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

    Tonight's harvest  
  16. mas_fuego

    watering Add Cal-mag to water with MG?

    I had good early results with MG tomato fert. I never used it long term.
  17. mas_fuego

    What TDS level should I shoot for in Drop to Waste setup?

      Thanks.   This has been quite the adventure.
  18. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

    Yellow 7 Pot     They guy who sent me these said they were Ghost peppers but they don't look like Brazilian Ghost Peppers.  
  19. mas_fuego

    Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

      I don't trim off any buds. I let them grow. I only trim the bottom leaves / nodes except a few below the Y. I am going to have more than I need so I really don't mind getting fewer because I don't delay the fruit.     I don't know. The tree was here when i bought the house. They are super...
  20. mas_fuego

    seed-plant-vendors Morgan County Seeds 2 Weeks Behind?

    Final update, it was only delayed a few days. They called and word shipping like I requested. Got my stuff fine. On another note, good God they​ need to enter this century with their tech.