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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    It's election day here in Kansas - Presidential Preference Primary (kind of worthless at this point.) Will be a poll worker all day; 6am - 8PM. We are expecting a very light turnout. Will be bringing some home-made habanero pepper jelly with cream cheese and crackers for all of us poll workers...
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Yes, winter finally really hit our area of Kansas as Harry wrote above. Good day to stay inside. For dinner we are having Kimchi Nabe with home-made gyoza on the side.
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    We finally get snow - thankfully not too much. High today will be ~35F. Christmas music is going and we will be putting up our tree and other decorations today. My oldest hen got a small wound on her left breast the night before last. I've cleaned it and she seems to be doing fine, but I am...
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    @Harry_Dangler Take care, from a fellow Paolian (is that what we call ourselves?) Yesterday, put in a 14-hour shift as a poll worker for local elections. Low turnout but everything went smoothly. The weather here is crazy. Around 80F yesterday. I have had my five remaining chile plants(all...
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    chinense I'm confused about the Datil pepper

    Well finally, my "datils" ripened. But I am confident I don't have legit datils. I cut one open - nothing coming close to a Chinense aroma. It was more green/vegetal - what I would expect from an Annuum. The taste: there was heat around 50K-60K SHU but within a minute or so there was no...
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    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Wiliam Walton's Symphony No. 1, first movement. Considered the best (recorded) performance of this masterpiece.
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    baccatum Bishops crown & Nepalese bell anyone growing ?

    I grew Bishop's Crown last year and the year before. The plants grew about 5 feet tall and were very viny/gangly - definitely needs a cage or some type of support. Yes, it was prolific, harvested over 107 from each. The pods averaged about 14 grams each. I found the initial taste had a hint...
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    chinense I'm confused about the Datil pepper

    How long does it take for a Datil to ripen? I ask because this is my first time growing one. All the pods are still a dark green. I was given the plant back in late April by a friend who works for a school district in the KCK area. The school had a plant sale from an ag class. I was told the...
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    pod Most likely an annuum

    This was posted yesterday on Nextdoor from a person in my area. The poster said what she bought was identified as a Poblano, but clearly that is not what she got. She said they were small (but gave no measurements). My guess is 2-3 inches. I asked about the thickness of the flesh and the...
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    baccatum Earliest baccatums?

    I have not gown many baccatums but of the few I have grown, Aji Cito and Bishops Crown have been the earliest (even compared to other species) to bloom and produce. Amongst all of my chilis this year, they are again the first to put out buds (as of a few days ago).  They have also  been very...
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    Morons once again doing what morons do best

    It's not just paper products.  I was going to make Lasagna this past Sunday and I went to Costco and two supermarkets and none of them had ricotta.  My nephew works at Walmart and the local one can’t keep mason jars on the shelves.  Are people canning their TP?   To be fair, those types of...
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    photography Pet picture thread!

    What breeds to do you have?  We currently have two each Buff Orpingtons and Golden-Laced Wyandottes.  When we lived in California a few years ago we had Speckled Sussex, my favorite of all the layer breeds we have ever had; quiet, docile; friendly and great layers even in 110+°F to 20°F.
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    For the first time, I am a poll worker. That's very participatory.

    For the first time, I am a poll worker. That's very participatory.
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    photography Pet picture thread!

    RIP William (2003-2020). I had to put my sweet William down this morning.  He had a tumor under his tongue and lower jaw.  It was too painful for him to eat or drink or groom himself. I don't like Mondays.
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Good Morning.  All-day training to be a new poll worker at this upcoming election.  Thank you again Harry for all those chiles. Will be roasting the Big Jims this later this week.   I think one of my cats found someone's.  She ran under the deck with it before I could take it away.  Oh well they...
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    pics Coolest Ripening Pics...

    Supposed to be Chocolate Habs, but I don't think so.  The colors make them look like a "rasta cap".
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    chinense mild Capsicum chinense peppers

    Don't think I will grow Tobago Seasoning next year.  As you state, it has enough heat that it is not mild.  Also mine were fairly small.   It was not what I was looking for.  OTOH, I will grow Trinidad Perfume again - wonderful, fruity taste.  
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    misc Are Capsicum annuum peppers worth growing?

    I used to grow shishitos years ago mostly because I had lived in Japan for several years where they are ubiquitous.  They were hard to find outside of Japanese specialty grocery stores. But then like you noted they started showing up in many grocery stores here in the US so I stopped growing...
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Had a busy weekend; overrun with In-laws and hornworms.  Hornworms taken care of for now; hens have been very happy. I will have to find a different way to dispose of the in-laws though.   Nephew, who lived with us the past four years, graduated from high school this weekend.  Ceremony was drive...
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    4th of July firework show will be tonight in our town - will be able to see it from our house. My nephew and brother-in-law are coming over.  Stayed up late last night making potato salad and coleslaw.  Just started some roasted barley sun tea.  For those in the US have an enjoyable holiday...