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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning everyone. It looks like today will be the best day of the week, weatherwise, to work outside (so say the weather people). I guess they’re not gardeners or farmers. Quick Dr. appt., then garlic removal. We have plans to drive to the mountains this weekend, temps are in the 70's and 40's at night. 
Have a joyous day and stay healthy. Keep those masks handy.
Ended up riding very hard yesterday. My heart rate average was 161 for 2 hours and 7 minutes. That makes me happy as it greatly approved my vo2 max. Blah,blah, blah! Wife and I are going on a quick ride this morning then I have several errands. Sold my tt bike Monday and was able to keep a $1500.00 set of wheels that I threw on the wifes bike. Made out real good on that deal. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning everyone. So. Starts the hottest month for us, thank goodness for air conditioning and a whole house fan at night. Nice to hear Sic made a great deal on his bike. All the best for a great end of the week, Harry. Your hot and humid weather is not my cup of tea either. I hope you all have a great July 4th celebration. Time to water at the CG, 2 extra garden areas to water as both are out of town for a week.
Have a great day and stay healthy and hydrated. 
Good morning everyone. Yesterday was a hot 97*F, and didn’t cool down until after sunset. Today's forecast is slightly cooler. The gardens look OK, planted some pole beans where the garlic was pulled. Can’t wait for other harvests. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday. Stay healthy and hydrated, and keep those masks with you.
4th of July firework show will be tonight in our town - will be able to see it from our house. My nephew and brother-in-law are coming over.  Stayed up late last night making potato salad and coleslaw.  Just started some roasted barley sun tea.  For those in the US have an enjoyable holiday weekend and to everyone - stay safe!
Good morning everyone. Happy 4th of July. Not many fireworks around here, just one at the Speedway so we’ll hear but not see them.  We have a couple of landscape projects in the queue, but those may take a bit of time in the 90*F heat. They’re forecasting 100*F next weekend for a few days. I hope not.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend. Stay hydrated and wear those masks.
We don't have a choice on the masks here Catherine. You put it on or you dont enter store and people are scared and will attack you. Its really a beautiful thing, lol! Hopefully everyone had a great time celebrating your independence. Bless up, prepare and protect yourself. We are in the end of times. Good morning.
Good morning.  Went up to the county North of us.  You can't get into any store without a mask.  Even the Home Depot Garden Center.  Our county has chosen to opt out of the Governor's orders.  No mask required here.  Been working on several landscaping and garden projects.  Very stiff and sore this morning.  My sister from Colorado Springs is here.  Not much else happening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning, everyone. Most of the population around here wear masks all of the time in stores, even walking, but not usually biking. I see the occasional rebel deciding not to follow rules. I'm mostly outside so I don't wear a mask unless in the stores.
We had plans on visiting family in the mtns., but those plans were abruptly changed and now we will be having company for lunch and dinner. We have 4-5 landscaping projects in the queue, a bit difficult in the heat so it may take longer to finish - early AM and after 7pm are the best times to work. The peppers seem to like this heat, though a few are barely surviving. The tomatoes are looking good, patience is not one of my virtues.  :confused:
I hope your Sunday goes well. Stay healthy and hydrated.
Good morning.  Steamy week ahead of us.  It's 75 on its way to 95.  Moderate work schedule today.  I'm actually going to head into the office for a few hours this afternoon.  Not much else happening .... watering and pulling weeds.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning everyone. Hot week ahead, might even hit 100*F. a couple of days. Chores in the AM, magazines and movies until it cools down. At least the garlic likes this hot, dry weather. No rain for awhile, so we’re watering more. 
I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay hydrated and keep those masks handy.