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  1. T

    heat Capsaicin ban?

    Only pure cap is banned (crystal). Oleoresins of a lesser SHU value than pure cap are not covered by the ban. Also, there is a period of grace covering any product containing pure cap; it is legal to sell these products until the best before/use by date expires.
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    fermenting Looking for a Bhut Jolokia pepper or mash source

    Scotty, if you're looking for large quantities, I imagine that Frontal Agritech in India would be your best bet. I've used their Bhut flakes and dried pods; both great quality. I think they have a mash available too. I'm not sure you'd find anyone in the US capable of supplying Bhuts in large...
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    Question for the Experts....

    AJ, unfortunately I can't offer advice about your first photo as I don't know what species of aphids/mites you have to contend with in the US, but I can tell you that the leaf distortion in your other photo has been caused by aphid infestation. If it was caused by a nutrient deficiency, you'd...
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    AJs Back Yard Pepper Porn 05-24-09 (2 week update)

    AJ, I can only dream of plants like that; I would be over the moon with Nagas a quarter of that size. Fantastic!
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    Chilliman`s GROW THREAD 09` - & Construction of my pollytunnels

    I wash the covers every year. They do end up having a noticeable film of algae on them which cuts a lot of light out. The ends need doing inside and out (the insides of the ends get an algae build up because condensation sits in the folds), whereas only the outside of the hooped part of the...
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    Chilliman`s GROW THREAD 09` - & Construction of my pollytunnels

    Get a coat on and get out there! I'm waiting for the winds to drop so that I can get the cover on our newest tunnel; I'm hoping that it'll happen this weekend. I'd much rather be working on it in your conditions than in the summer. I washed the covers on the other tunnels a few weeks ago and...
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    Photoshop help, please.

    Publisher is all I have here; what would/do you use for this kind of work? Thanks for the tip about saving files as a transparent tiff. I've just looked through the save options and there it was staring me in the face. Easy when you know how, like everything I suppose.
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    Photoshop help, please.

    Thanks for your replies, guys. I did try tif but lost the transparent background when I opened up the file in MS Publisher. It seems to work as a PNG file; I have a laser printer coming today, so fingers crossed that the labels are of a useable quality.
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    disease-pests What in the holy hell is this. No bugs in site. Affecting all plants

    My bad; I thought that the photo I was referring to was of a stem, not a chilli. I hope that someone here can eventually id the virus; I'd be interested to know what it is too.
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    disease-pests What in the holy hell is this. No bugs in site. Affecting all plants

    Your last photo concerns me the most. It's hard to tell just from the photo, but this looks similar to a fungal infection (a type of smut) which a lot of plants are susceptible to. I wonder, is there a black powder inside the stem where it has swollen and split? If so, this powder you see are...
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    Photoshop help, please.

    Cheers, Dan. I've just saved the image as a PNG file and I'll follow the rest of your advice in the morning. I've been at it so long I'm at that stage where I've become unproductive. Bedtime methinks! Thanks again, Dan, much appreciated ;)
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    Photoshop help, please.

    Bugger. What type of file would I have to save it as? I'm sure that I do have other options.
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    Chilliman`s GROW THREAD 09` - & Construction of my pollytunnels

    Ian, those of us who drive on the left are doing it the correct way, everyone knows that...;) I've driven thousands of miles across the former Yugoslavia over the last eight years and adapt as soon as I get off of the plane, apart from one occasion in Bosnia in 2007 when I forgot where I was and...
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    Photoshop help, please.

    Thanks for your reply, Dick. I did something similar to that; I used the lasso tool to get hold of the pepper and then copied it to another layer which I had set up to be transparent. I then had a problem with saving the pepper as a jpeg. Apparently the jpeg format doesn't support transparent...
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    Photoshop help, please.

    Hi Guys, I desperately need some guidance with Photoshop Elements 5.0; I'll try to explain exactly what I'm trying to do. I am designing some basic labels for jars and bottles and want to use a chilli as my logo. I have taken a photo of a chilli on a white background and I then put this into...
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    Chilliman`s GROW THREAD 09` - & Construction of my pollytunnels

    I'm not sure how your materials compost, pots, etc.) compare to ours in relation to cost, but for me it would be much more expensive to have my stock plants in pots than it would to have them in open beds inside the tunnels, hence the reason I went with the latter. The only additional cost for...
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    Chilliman`s GROW THREAD 09` - & Construction of my pollytunnels

    Our summers don't quite get that hot! Our summers aren't reliably warm enough to make use of the outdoors either; at least not for plants being grown for a commercial enterprise where plant health and fruit yield is everything. I did heat one of the smaller glasshouses for germination at great...
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    Chilliman`s GROW THREAD 09` - & Construction of my pollytunnels

    Yeah, north/south orientation works very well for me, but as I said to AJ, we don't often get gales during the summer, and if any were on the way, I'd just put the doors back on their hinges for the duration. We're more likely to get that kind of weather during our autumn, winter or spring, at...
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    Chilliman`s GROW THREAD 09` - & Construction of my pollytunnels

    AJ, it's interesting that we've done exactly the opposite with the orientation of our growing structures even though the winds in our areas more or less come from the same direction. Of course, our climates and weather patterns are wildy different...:) Luckily, we don't often get winds of the...
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    Pepper paradise...

    All of the above, although it looks like I won't have enough plants to sell for this year. I'll be selling at Farmer's Markets and local garden shows to begin with. Everything is being sorted out regarding the environmental health side of things at the moment and I hope to be up and running by...