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  1. albert671

    Pacific Northwest Chili head Party!

    I will think of you guys while I enjoy that New Mexico style cooking.
  2. albert671

    Pacific Northwest Chili head Party!

    Sorry to say that I will not be able to attend this fantastic event as I am heading to New Mexico earlier that week.
  3. albert671

    annuum Amazing Baby Cayenne....

    Man that thing is the KING. The biggest I have harvested so far was 5 and a 1/2 I thought that was big. Good luck with that looks like a great bunch of plants.
  4. albert671

    harvesting AJs Third Harvest 06-30-09

    Thats lookin pretty good so far.
  5. albert671

    Best material to tie peppers?

    I use a special type of velcro tape. It's used for tying plants but I had a big roll left from something, so dont know the actual cost.
  6. albert671

    pests Is this an aphid?

    If it's the black spot. It doesn't look like any aphid I have ever seen around here.
  7. albert671

    TB '09.

    Those plants look good. Mayby some type of surprise popper with the xalapenos, or mayby some type of mutant tribute. The army of assassins you have on hand is amazing. Nice to know you have somebody looking over your plants.
  8. albert671

    Neighbor's garden makes me want do puke!

    Just remember that if you put weeds in your compost that it gets hot enough to kill the seeds if there are any. Unless you like to pull weeds. Or so I have found.
  9. albert671

    KRAZY Katrina garden pictures ->

    Those sure are some good looking plants. Looks like you are going to have one hell of a harvest.
  10. albert671

    Barrackpore 7 Pot

    Yes sir those sure are a mean and nasty looking pod. Great looking plant.
  11. albert671

    One more aboard for the chuckwagon

    Welcome from Washington. Nice looking plant so far.
  12. albert671

    Hello (a newbie from the middle of Canada)

    Welcome and good day from Washington.
  13. albert671

    Little Harvest

    That sure is a great start. Some fine looking pods.
  14. albert671

    Greetings from Liverpool

    Hello from Washington.
  15. albert671

    I haz thp :P

    Welcome from Washington. Good luck on the chile collection.
  16. albert671

    Hello yet another chilihead!

    Welcome from Washington
  17. albert671

    Been A Fan

    Yea thats the garden when just planted in may. About 30ft by 20ft
  18. albert671

    Right now I'm thinking this is my last year

    Yea I say you don't let those little bastards win go at em with everything.
  19. albert671

    Almost embarassed to ask...

    Well I believe that no matter what the question or how lame you think it is these fine folks will help you with it.
  20. albert671

    AJs Peppers Starting to Produce - 06-09-09

    Those are some nice pods AJ. Like the Jolokia, looks evil.