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Right now I'm thinking this is my last year

This is my second and possibly last year growing peppers. Last year I never saw an aphid and my plants did very well. This year I can't get rid of them. I know about all the sprays but was worried about buring them so I figured squishing them is as good if not better then spraying. My plants are in pots so I put them on the patio table and every day I've been meticulously squishing every last one. Its been a week and every day there is more. Not as many as day one but they are still there. I'm frustrated to say the least and depending how the plants do I might give up next year. :(
You need to get them outside and harden your plants of plus a hose to spray the affected plants and keep them outside the little green ones should disappear shortly.
Get some Neem oil and use that combined with being outside and a good hose spraying should do the trick. Won't burn a thing, heck what do you have to lose. No way to keep up and get all squishing them.
They've been outside for about 3 weeks now. I first noticed them last week. The only neem I can find is $25. Won't they keep coming back if I spray them too?
Hold onto the faith and keep up with ye battle.

If need be, don't feel ashamed to use some nuclear sprays like Ortho. Sometimes drastic times call for drastic measures.

I won't hold it against you if you need to use chemicals against the horrid aphids.
Pepperfreak said:
Hold onto the faith and keep up with ye battle.

If need be, don't feel ashamed to use some nuclear sprays like Ortho. Sometimes drastic times call for drastic measures.

I won't hold it against you if you need to use chemicals against the horrid aphids.

NUKE THEM BASTARDS!:mad: I wouldn't give up! What are you gonna do, buy your burn in a jar? Hell no, you need to get up, go to home depot, and get rid of them bitches!!!!! I'm serious... right now!

unleash hell.......buy two different types or even three..........mix them a little stronger than the recommended concentration for the first spray and unleash the power of chemical warfare!!!!

works extremely well for me........and i live in aphid paradise in trinidad........
Won't the just come back like after I squish them? I'm pretty sure I'm getting them all. The plants are small now, I'm going over every square inch.
Aphids don't need other aphids to have babies, and each one can produce upto 80 babies. They don't just sit on the stem, but they like the veins of the leaves on the undersides of the leaves. Simply put, you can't squish them all. Although they can reproduce faster than rabbits, they are easy to kill/control. They can be dislodged with water, and they will not come back. They can be killed with neem oil, chemical sprays, and with soapy water. I've used soapy water with great success. Simply use a little bit of DAWN liquid soap in a spray bottle filled with water, and spray your plants really well. Be sure to spray under every leaf, and get the stems from every direction. I also pour a little bit of soapy water on the surface of my soil, to get the ones that fall off. Wait 30 minutes, and repeat with soapy water or one of the other methods.If you still see some on your plants the next day, do it again. Don't give up. Good luck.
My plants are small and a little behind due to weather. Should I still lay off the nitrogen, I haven't fertilized them in a while?
cl, don't waste any more time and order some lady bugs they will make short work of those bastards. I am by no means a organic nut and I'll use anything that will get the job done and ladybugs will get the job done, period.
i dont give up

JungleRain said:
Don't give up Pepperlover, just keep at them.....

hey grant you must mixed the names i had that problem last year and guess what this year i even planted more and the aphids started showing up but i always squish em so they dont take over if we spend enough t ime with our plants and take care of them they will be fine and you chili lover if u are atrue lover you wont give up now you can take your plants out put them in back yard let the sun beat on them for while the aphids dont like direct sun and they will leave or other insects will attack em so Dont tell me u gana give up
You can't let a tiny squishy little green bug beat you. Not when there are a plethora of ways to wipe them out! Kill 'em all!!!
Little bastards are getting to you pretty bad... I guess squishing everyday would be dis hearting...
I agree go loco, chemical warfare or an organic army either way... just keep it up once you think they are gone. For months after in less frequent doses. I just made soapy water/ light neem oil mix, part of my routine once a month regardless if I have them or not..