Search results

  1. phatlad

    soil Help me build my container soil

    Got two 40-pound bags of the potting soil, one 40-pound bag of the manure, one 40-pound bag of the peat moss and a bag of vermiculite. Going to mix it up and I'll see how good it is. Call me crazy, but the potting soil smells great.
  2. phatlad

    soil Help me build my container soil

    Thanks everyone! I'm heading out in a couple hours to get it all!
  3. phatlad

    soil Help me build my container soil

    That was the first place I looked. :). I was just wanting peoples' opinion from what's available to me based on my first post.
  4. phatlad

    soil Help me build my container soil

    Hello- Not much choice locally in the way of soil, and since this is my first year, I don't have a compost bin yet (that will be in place in time for next year's planting season). Lowe's has ONLY miracle grow stuff ... and stuff from company from here in Oklahoma. I am growing organic, so I...
  5. phatlad

    Paper Pot Maker

    Newsprint is fine, as long as it's black and white pages. (Don't use the color comics, for instance). Don't use magazines or glossy advertisements either. I work at a newspaper and have an endless supply. I wish I would've known about that tool this season, even though $12 is a tad steep for...
  6. phatlad

    contest VOTE! Secret Ingredient Throwdown - Mango

    I'm a sucker for jerk chicken, so sum got my vote. All look fantastic though!
  7. phatlad

    Grow Bags

  8. phatlad

    Grow Bags

    Hey huntsman, what kind of bags do you use? I'm thinking I'm gonna go the bag route as well. Have had no luck tracking down free 5-gallon buckets. Went to three different Sam's Clubs locations and they all said they don't give them out anymore and recycle within the company.
  9. phatlad

    My 2 passive ventilated wood greenhouse ( Bell Pepper ) some pics

    That is one heck of a setup! I'm jealous!
  10. phatlad

    Very leggy plants, what should I do?

    UPDATE! Just finished potting up and killing the weakest seedlings in each along the way. Definitely NOT going the pot-up-from-peat-pellets-to-jiffy-pot-route again. I'll have to figure out how I want to start my seedlings next year, but I've got 11 months to think about that! What's the plan...
  11. phatlad

    Very leggy plants, what should I do?

    Thanks everyone! I'll update with progress after I pot up. Also, thanks chili about telling me to remove the netting. I would not have known that. This is my first year of growing, and I appreciate everyone on this board.
  12. phatlad

    Very leggy plants, what should I do?

    wow, those images are huge. Attempting to resize. Also forgot to mention I will be container gardening in 5-gallon buckets, and will be organic gardening. Thanks!
  13. phatlad

    Very leggy plants, what should I do?

    Are these guys savable? Here's an overview, side view from the right and then side view from the left. I have read on here to pot up and "bury" some of the stem so they won't be so leggy. I've also read to add some sort of circulation (I had none) and to have the light source closer to...
  14. phatlad

    seeds Its almost seed starting time! Whatcha growing?

    I've got four of the five varities I'm planting picked out -- Poblano, Salsa Delight, Jalapeno and Cayenne. The fifth, well, that's the tough part. I'm buying all my seeds from, except for the salsa delight, which I'm getting from burpee. My fifth will be between: Sweet Crimson...
  15. phatlad

    seeds Outdoor growers - What is your pot progression - seeds to plantout?

    Love this thread; answered many questions for me! Thanks!
  16. phatlad

    Hello from Oklahoma

    I'm pretty sure I saw a picture of you with a magic bullet. I have one (and LOVE it) and will use it to grind powder, if you recommend it. If you do, which blade do you use, the flat one or the other one?
  17. phatlad

    Hello from Oklahoma

    Hey guys. My name is Mike, and I'm an authentic Okie from Muskogee. Found this forum by googling "pepper forum" in old google, because I'm going to take a crack at growing peppers this year. I've always loved 'em and cooked with 'em, but I'd like to be able have 'em fresh whenever I wanted. I...
  18. phatlad

    What Did I do Today? Only about chilli peppers

    I made my first post in this thread today after lurking for about a week! Attempting to narrow down a list of peppers to grow, since I plan to give a first attempt at growing this season. Went to walmart last night to look at containers, but they don't have their spring garden stuff out yet...