• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

My 2 passive ventilated wood greenhouse ( Bell Pepper ) some pics

Hi... just wanted to show what's started as a family hobby and then became a project/bussiness and now we are growing for export and local market here in the caribbean , Dominican Republic...we grow in soil, mulched...

my dad

well i had more than 20+ pics...since we transplanted to now but no more than 4 images is permited...
and harverst...first harvest was december 23...and since then...i have harvest 1600-2400 pounds each seven days, until now...and we keep going...

well..that's it ;)
nice work, It's good see a profitable business has come from a family hobby. Good luck with the future and keep up the good work.
WOW !! Very nice ......Now I better understand your need for seeds , hybrid or true breeding. It would seem to me if you found a good true breeding strain, you could isolate those and breed them to get seeds for the future. Then you could supply your own seeds. Of course I understand that thought doesn't help you know.

Good luck & Peace,
P. Dreadie
P. Dreadie said:
It would seem to me if you found a good true breeding strain, you could isolate those and breed them to get seeds for the future.
Good luck & Peace,
P. Dreadie

good idea...but got to find a good strain first... i'm going to expand the greenhouses to an acre....then change from bell pepper to Cubanelle hybrid pepper...that's first priority, and then focus on the habanero open field...trying to get everything ready before august, so i can transplant in that month...so i can start harvest around october-november...high season...
pepperfever said:
Awesome set up that many of us would love to have, talk about pepper heaven! Oh the possibilities.

I got a few ideas ehehhe but it's going to take some time and $ to materialize that pepper heaven i want...
well Hector... it turnes out i'm a long lost cousin of yours... when can i join the family business? lol :D

Seriously though, great work mate. Is there a chance you can post bigger pics?
Great greenhouse and pics but why is this thread in "growing-other" Are you growing anything besides peppers?
Ok I guess sweet peppers can be "other":)
Grimus said:
well Hector... it turnes out i'm a long lost cousin of yours... when can i join the family business? lol :D

Seriously though, great work mate. Is there a chance you can post bigger pics?

Click on pics to enlarge matey!
That's a lot of pepper pickin'! You harvest all of those yourself?

Your support system for the plants looks like a LOT of work. Do you install the plastic mulch by hand?

How long does the plastic house covering last b4 it needs to be replaced?

What sprays are you using to control insects?

A house full of hots would be a sight to behold. :)

Looking forward to seeing your hab operation. :)
thanks guys for the words...

Grimus we can adopt you :lol:

Hi Silver...

i don't harvest by myself, this is a eight man family operation, me and 2 other harvest, 2 more take out of the plastic container when is full, and 3 more classifly the pepper...today we are harvesting but i'm not there...

the support system is made of stainless steel cable tighten, just a normal trellis system with a vine clip...and yes in the greenhouse we installed the plastic mulch by hand in this case...

about the plastic covering , the company says 4 years, but i'm replacing it the third...because it begins to loose its antivector properties at the third year....

for insect/pest control, I use Dipel , Spinosad , Azamax ( enzyme from neem oil), insect soap from safer, bonide rotenone/pyrethin and cosmo oil ( parafinic)....that's for white fly , thrips, worms, mites...

for fungi like powdery mildew I use Milstop , and Flint...

for soils fungi and nematodes, I use trichoderma stain t-22 from PHC and Sun from agroaspe , and for nematodes i use Nematural...those are beneficial a complex fungi and bacteria that parasite on non beneficial fungi and nematodes...
i use too Fosetyl -Al...

and permited chemical like actara, abamectin when organics cannot control the outbreak...
God has been and always is very good and has kept most pest out...
the biggest problem pest is the broad mite or spider mite...but organics hit them hard...
if you rotate the organics and have preventive applications of sprays..it's difficult to have a pest...

the Hab operation is going to start walking this week...going to start preparing the land, get the quote for the water system, take soil and water for analysis, got to quote the fertigation program, the pest control program...a lot of little works here and there...:hell: