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  1. Notrod

    Brown pepperoncini

    So I know that it's not supposed to be possible to have peppers affect each other, only cross pollinate and affect the seed.  But I've grown my golden greek pepperoncini's and they have been rather warm and I now have a brown pepperoncini on my plant.  Has anyone heard of a brown pepperoncini?
  2. Notrod

    Great Shot of my Fatalii Plants

    That's crappy. Hope you can salvage some.
  3. Notrod

    My 2 pepper trees

    Makes me wanna give hydro a try
  4. Notrod

    pests bugs outdoor indoor move

    If you just drag them in then you will have bugs. Just search some of the older posts on the site and you will find out how to prevent them or get rid of if they make it inside. I have 3 plants I picked up late from the Chili Woman that I have never put outside, just to try to overwinter them...
  5. Notrod

    Any 'cold' peppers?

    I have worked with guys in the NW U.S. that say the Rocoto / Manzano plants do well there. I plan on testing how well they do in MI next year, but I do grow in containers so I'm sure results will vary.
  6. Notrod

    lighting How to stop flowering under lights

    I have heard if you fertilize with more n and less p that it will keep the plants growing with less flowering. Might be something to look into.
  7. Notrod

    Nastiest tasting pepper

    I haven't tried a Butch T yet, but last years yellow scorpions were not good at all. I tried them fresh and dried.
  8. Notrod

    Newbie way over his head

    I use my extras to barter. Traded for everything from fresh eggs to fresh fish. I make sure I grow what I can handle and the extras get me some extras.
  9. Notrod

    seeds First timer planting seeds

    A heat mat helps speed up the process from what I have seen. Just keep an eye on the temp and moisture.
  10. Notrod


    Judging by last years harvest, the Douglah is hotter than the Bih Jalokia. I really like the flavor too. Definately one of my favorites,
  11. Notrod

    Jessxcr's 2012 Grow Log

    Some of my favorite. Good luck.
  12. Notrod

    Peppers falling partially ripe with yellow stems

    Had a couple suicidal pods myself. The rest of the plant and pods are fine, so I assumed it was nothing major.
  13. Notrod

    chinense ghost pepper dwarfs

    I have the same thing on a first year Bih Jalokia. Wonder what causes this?
  14. Notrod

    Finally get to pot up

    Yes... I used grass clippings. Doesn't get that hot up here but I figured I would see if I noticed any difference. Of course the clippings are free, but I have noticed a dramatic drop in soil temp. I have no real source of shade so I have either full or no sunlight as of now. I will fix that...
  15. Notrod

    Finally get to pot up

    I grew up gardening in SW VA and NE TN. Never really needed to help the plants along as much as I do in MI. I'm sure if the next couple years don't work out, (starting earlier each year and hoping the kids take interest) I will have to find something else to use for watering the plants.
  16. Notrod

    Finally get to pot up

    Would love to take all the credit, but I got 3 of them from another member here. I picked up 2 Douglahs and the Bih from kcso53. Healthy plants and a generous guy. The kids have some trouble remembering to water them while I'm gone so I lost all the Fatallis and Yellow Bhuts. Guess it helps...
  17. Notrod

    Finally get to pot up

    It's been a while since I've posted but there has been some crappy weather here in MI. I have finally managed to get some time off during some decent weather. Here is a pic of what I have potted up so far. [ The left shows the overwintered Yellow Scorpion and Paper lantern. Then a Bih...
  18. Notrod

    Bad pot?

    It is a plastic pot with drainage holes. I just bought it the day I transplanted the first plant to it. I never thought of cleaning them first, didn't think it would make a difference. I think I will do that from now on. I don't like to put time and effort into my plants just to watch them...
  19. Notrod

    Bad pot?

    I have potted up my plants to 6" pots waiting to put in their final pots when weather permits. I mixed the same soil for all the plants the same way. I had one plant give up on me a couple weeks ago, so I discarded it and replaced with another ready to move up in the world. Now that plant is...
  20. Notrod

    Opinions for a new grower?

    Must love the beef. Being in Tx I guess it's understandable. But you have to pick up the flavor occasionally. And veggies are good for you.