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  1. cjbrewer5

    overwintering How to move Hot Thai indoors for winter?

    Go out and just pull it up out of the ground and repot into some new potting soil. Water well and keep it indoors cool and out of the sun. Once the roots establish themselves you can give it some light. While keeping indoors for the winter it will loose all its leaves. Dont worry because its...
  2. cjbrewer5

    kitchenware MY NEW KNIVES

    i'm posting this for ajijoe. Hello all i just wanted you all to see my new toys my SANTOKU and my BIRDSEYE PARER their made by Rava Cutlery and guess what there made in the USA!!! there made in Iowa and they did not cost too much either the Santoku was $8.99 and the Birdseye was just $5.99...
  3. cjbrewer5

    Best Brown of 2011

    Yes Douglah by yield and heat.
  4. cjbrewer5

    Best Brown of 2011

    Douglah by far.
  5. cjbrewer5

    wanted looking for some superhots

    Joe, I have red savina and trinidad douglah seeds. Charles
  6. cjbrewer5

    wanted wtb 7pot douglah pods fresh

    I have some fresh pods.
  7. cjbrewer5

    Happy Birthday AJ!

    Happy Birthday AJ!! Hope you have many more to come!!!!! :cheers: :bday: Charles
  8. cjbrewer5

    Need a recommendation

    Check with AlabamaJack on these forums. I know he has a mean scorpion sauce. Very hot indeed!!!
  9. cjbrewer5

    Mysterious pepper

    Looks like a lemon drop.
  10. cjbrewer5

    health Brown spots on pods?

    Also the sun can cause browning. Peppers can burn in sunlight just like us. Really need to see pics to confirm. Charles
  11. cjbrewer5

    wanted Wanted: Pepper Seeds

    I have plenty of Super Chili seeds for a SASE. PM me and I will give you my address. Just send the envelope, no payment needed. Charles
  12. cjbrewer5

    wanted Looking for Sport peppers

    Thanks DP PM sent! Charles
  13. cjbrewer5

    wanted Looking for Sport peppers

    Looking for the sport peppers known for the chicago style hot dogs. If anyone has some i'm willing to buy or trade for them. Thanks in advance, Charles
  14. cjbrewer5

    Completely Random Comments

    I just pulled over and everyone jumped in!
  15. cjbrewer5

    computer fan ventilation for germ box

    Monitoring the temp is only the cpu. You can wire it and it will work but it will never shut off because the temp of the cpu will always stay hot enough where the fan will never cut off. It would work great for venting your seedlings though. Charles
  16. cjbrewer5

    Completely Random Comments

    Well shit tha bed!!!!
  17. cjbrewer5

    review Garden Video Update

    13-13-13 fertilizer once a month and that's it. Charles
  18. cjbrewer5

    review Garden Video Update

    Thanks guys for the compliments. Yeah the tomatos are a little dense but i'm gonna learn from my mistakes this year and improve on it next year. The peppers are really starting to put out the fruit. Come home form work everyday and have to do a harvest. It's all fun though. Charles
  19. cjbrewer5

    review Garden Video Update

    Enjoy! Charles :cool:
  20. cjbrewer5

    New grower with some questions

    Yeah just cut down on the water and I bet you will see them start to green up in no time at all. Good luck this year! Charles :cool: