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  1. thorolygood

    fermenting Fermentation Help

    Hi again tctenten. I have them on my seed germination mat because I read they should be warm. So that I hope is alright.   Here is my next part. I bought new lids to try. I have 1 liter wide mouth jars. The one on the left has 700g of pepper and the one on the right has 235g of peppers.      I...
  2. thorolygood

    fermenting Fermentation Help

    Hi SmokenFire. Thanks for the reply. When I opened the jars to add the probiotic, I understand I let oxygen in, but thought the ferment would push it out. If I don't have enough peppers to fill the jar, I should get smaller jars. I have a lot of peppers left to ferment and 1 litre jars. i guess...
  3. thorolygood

    fermenting Fermentation Help

      Hi tctenten. Thanks for the reply I didn't see any black when I skimmed that stuff off. I think it was just some of the ingredients.   I might do that for the rest I have, just add the salt and see. The basement is probably in the 60's
  4. thorolygood

    fermenting Fermentation Help

    Hi all. Time of the year to pop in and ask for help. I usually make lots of hot sauces and powders with great success. I have tried fermenting in the past with no success. This year I have done lots of reading here and thought I would give it a go again thinking I could do it. I have 8 jars of...
  5. thorolygood

    Advice (help) Welcomed

          Not a supporter of Tims. Cups were free from work. They work good and the price was right
  6. thorolygood

    Advice (help) Welcomed

    I got more transplanted and under the lites. Still lots waiting to germinate.       Got some LED grow lites to install. Not to familiar with these. This is what I got Specification: Type: LED Plants Growing Strip Light Waterproof: IP65, Resin  LED Type: SMD 5050  LED Quantity: 60LED/M...
  7. thorolygood

    Advice (help) Welcomed

    Okay. Re-potted with the leaves slightly above the soil.     Lowered the lites. Will also be going out tomorrow to look at maybe getting new ones. Don't know if I can just change bulbs or will I have to replace the fixture also.     Worried about these two     Got more seedlings popping up so...
  8. thorolygood

    Advice (help) Welcomed

      I just have 4 foot florescent with grow lite tubes in them. I don't have a LUX meter. Maybe I will look for a different tube and lower the lite a little on this one. They actually became leggy before I put them under the lites. Maybe I will try to repot those a little deeper. Was worried about...
  9. thorolygood

    Advice (help) Welcomed

    Thanks for the advice. Repotted 15 of them. Got those and the other trays (65 more seedlings) under the lites. Also put a fan on them.      Masher - thanks. Will keep the lites on. Slug - thanks. I don't have a  "big boy plant room" yet, maybe some year smokemaster - I read your post after I...
  10. thorolygood

    Advice (help) Welcomed

    Once they are re-potted, they go under the lite with the dome off, is this correct? Leave the dome on peat pellets that haven't germinated? Thanks again.
  11. thorolygood

    Advice (help) Welcomed

      Thanks. I sprayed them after I took the pictures I'll get them under lites today. I have 4 ft flourecent fixtures with grow lite tubes. I will put a fan in there today Thanks   Will try to repot them later today or tonite. Will be careful \Thanks
  12. thorolygood

    Advice (help) Welcomed

    Hello all. I have my seeds started and have been reading to gather info. Every year I get lots of seedlings but lose most as time goes on and have few to plant in the spring. I also start some at a local nursery and they seem to do better than me. I was reading that you should keep the light off...
  13. thorolygood

    Annual Thanks To THP

    All the recipes I get I get from here or a variance on them. That's why I give a big thanks. I'll check my recipes and see if there any I didn't get from here. Maybe I will PM you later on the fermentation's on what I did, cause I do need help   We had a drought in Southern Ontario this year so...
  14. thorolygood

    Annual Thanks To THP

    It's that time of year when I come out of lurch to say thanks to all THPer's for all their posts, I come here regularly to read an learn. I get lots of help and lots of ideas, so thank you all. Not many pictures this year as I don't think of the camera as a cooking utensil.   First day of...
  15. thorolygood

    seed-train CANADIAN SEED TRAIN - P.R.O.J.E.C.T. 2.0   Tracking #0330302000580727
  16. thorolygood

    seed-train CANADIAN SEED TRAIN - P.R.O.J.E.C.T. 2.0

    Package is on it's way to Penny in Georgian Bay
  17. thorolygood

    seed-train CANADIAN SEED TRAIN - P.R.O.J.E.C.T. 2.0

    Received the package tonite and messaged Penny. Hopefully out tomorrow   Thanks
  18. thorolygood

    seed-train CANADIAN SEED TRAIN - P.R.O.J.E.C.T. 2.0

    I would like to be in. Thanks for the restart
  19. thorolygood

    Thanks Again THP

    Didn't have a super year here in Southern Ontario. Have more green pods then ripe ones. Another couple weeks would have been great. I like the vials too. I go regularly for blood work so I'll be keeping an eye out for more   Got a family that puts up with me. Lots of complaining. Only the 3 dogs...
  20. thorolygood

    Thanks Again THP

    Hello again. Out of lurk mode for the day. I seldom post here but I come here regularly to read and learn. I grow my own peppers (thanks to a few THPers for seeds) and make my own hot sauces and powders, all with some or all knowledge gained form this site.  It's a hobby I enjoy. I don't take...