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  1. J

    misc Flowering Bhut J with no pepper production

    I dont't think that's it. I'm a beekeeper and have about 4 double deep hives within 75 yards of this plant. Plenty of bees. I just tried hand polinating with flowers from the other plant. We'll see how that goes.
  2. J

    misc Flowering Bhut J with no pepper production

    I tried that earlier, but there did not seem to be much pollen in the flowers. Is there something that can be done to increase pollen production?
  3. J

    misc Flowering Bhut J with no pepper production

    So I overwintered two Bhuts and due to the mild conditions they started flowering about a month ago. At the end of last year I cut one plant back to just a few canes about 12" long, and left the other at about 4 feet tall. The one I cut back is now about 2 feet tall and produces few flowers...
  4. J

    seeds maximum germination temp for Butch T

    What is the maxiumum allowable germination temp. I my second round of butch T peppers started in seed starting trays over heat mats with domes and the temp is in the 110F to 115F range. Is that too high? I started the others indoors and they were fine at 90-95F germination temp. It there a...
  5. J

    Germinating Chinese seeds in Rapid Rooter

    Now that my Chinese seeds have arrived I am going to germinate them in rapid rooter over heat mats. I have put them over heat mats and added a bit of water and will wait until the temp gets right around 85 consistantly. My question is this... I have more seeds than space in the trays. Is...
  6. J

    1000w switchable ballasts

    I have decided that given that there are a few 1000w switchable ballasts on the market these days that it would make sense to get one if not for the flexibility alone. My plans are to use it only for peppers. I have plenty of ceiling height so intensity can be reduced if needed, and the only...
  7. J

    Hello fellow chili lovers

    Just wanted to say Hi. I had no idea this forum existed until I saw the link on the Hippie Seed Company website. Since then I have been lurking for a few weeks. I have been growing peppers in containers for about 3 years and this year have stepped up to some of the hotter ones. I killed all...