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  1. hottoddy

    vendor Avoid Baker's Peppers! Alert!

    Wow, I remember those similar shenanigans going on back when I joined this forum in 2012 when he got boot from here. Some things don't change.
  2. hottoddy

    Greetings From Boise

    Welcome from Meridian! This is my 6th growing season here. Before that was Portland.
  3. hottoddy

    music any metal heads on thp?

    Haven't seen this thread in a while. So, here's my Iron Maiden tribute band playing Powerslave (I'm the guitarist on the right side of the video). My soloing goodness starts at about the 3 minute mark.  :metal:     Be nice, this was a cell phone video.  
  4. hottoddy

    scovilles More to Heat than Just Scovilles?

    Yet another factor is that the same pepper can vary wildly. It's mother nature not a factory. I've had ghost peppers that were relatively mild and jalapenos that lit me up. There will always be duds, insane booby traps and all variations in between.    
  5. hottoddy

    Brown/Chocolate reccomendations?

    From a great production (in Boise) and taste standpoint, I like:   Chocolate Savina (hotter version of choc hab - my best brown pod producer) Chocolate Naglah (as hot a choc bhutlah, produces better for me) Chocolate Bhut Jolokia (classic) Chocolate Brain Strain (very hot and smooth tasting)
  6. hottoddy

    Why kill last years plants?

    In addition to space issues, almost all plants brought in from outside will face insect issues. Also, some will not come back from dormancy, or under perform those started fresh. I stopped overwintering when many of my fresh starts did better than 2 year-old plants.
  7. hottoddy

    dehydrators Amazon deal of the day - Excalibur 3926TB 9-Tray Electric Food Dehydrator

    Not sure how much it differs, but today Woot (Amazon owned) has an Excalibur 9-Tray (model 2900ECB) for $154.99. While the model number is lower, it has the same capacity and the adjustable heat goes lower (95 degrees) than the above model - which is good for peppers. I think it lacks the built...
  8. hottoddy

    Hot Sauce as Xmas Gifts

    Nice. I've been making hot sauce based on safety tutorials here for about 10 years but never sell it (too much regulation, costs, etc.). So, I give out a lot for gifts to neighbors, friends, co-workers ... no one has ever gotten sick. Sometimes I get an email from an old friend saying, "Yeah...
  9. hottoddy

    BIG SHOW OFF: Photos of Your Hybrids!

    Nice to see some longtime members! Here's a picture from yesterday of my Jimmy Nardello x mystery hot cross (I'm calling it Hot Nards). I've been growing them out about 3 years now. Sweet start, hot finish - a nice gateway pepper.    
  10. hottoddy

    storage Best way to store peppers after harvest?

    Not "fresh" but I dehydrate most as well. Some get smoked before. They get labeled, put into gallon bags, and then into air tight storage bins. Stay good for years and years...   Another good chunk gets made into sauce which lasts for a few years.
  11. hottoddy

    It's Time, Going to Make My Own Strain, Suggestions Welcome!!!

      Sweet up front like a Jimmy Nardello, then a whoosh of heat - not too strong but enough to leave your mouth tingling. The people at the farm where they grow call them "sweet & hots." They were so popular last year, I'm growing a lot more and plan to sell them at the Boise Farmer's Market.
  12. hottoddy

    It's Time, Going to Make My Own Strain, Suggestions Welcome!!!

      Sorry to hijack the OP, but I've got a Jimmy Nardello hot cross ... I call it "Hot Nards." Going on F4 this year.
  13. hottoddy

    Fatalli Jigsaw Pepper

    The Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw isn't new. It came out about 5 years ago. Despite lots of talk, it didn't get much traction and seemed to get lost in the "Reaper/Primo" hoopla. Most feedback I've heard is it's just another TSMB/7Pot superhot. Probably not the hottest - but who cares? I've never grown...
  14. hottoddy

    fermenting First ferment

    Good job! I have been making hot sauce for almost 10 years but never fermented. I just got the stuff to do it and will join you soon.
  15. hottoddy

    [Feb 5] What are you working on this week?

    My first 288 seeds hit the dirt on 2/1, so I'm watching temps and moisture this week. Annuum seeds will follow at the end of the month. I still need to build a seedling area at our new house, so I may start that this week. With temps so warm this year, it may be in the garage.
  16. hottoddy

    Bad peppers

    Reaper (just a primo and don't produce well enough for me), Albanian Red Hot (smell like fish), Tepins (too small, seedy). Many more, but those come to mind.
  17. hottoddy

    marketing Do you have a web site and ...

      Every once in a while something on my site will stop working or render incorrectly. Usually, this is related to an automatic update of WP, Theme, plugin, etc. I'll have to dig into things manually (via FTP) and fix things - which can be frustrating and time consuming. I try to check things out...
  18. hottoddy

    marketing Do you have a web site and ...

    I use Wordpress with Woocommerce ... BUT may move to Shopify soon. I get tired of the endless updates and things breaking, etc.
  19. hottoddy

    SFRBs of My Hybrid Peppers - $18

    I have an abundance of hot peppers this year and will pick to order. You can check out my website for the varieties I'm growing - mostly super hots in the ghost, scorpion, 7PJ ranges. Send me a message if you want a SFRB, or MFRB, of any particular varieties.
  20. hottoddy

    scovilles Sugar Rush Peach Scoville?

    Mine vary quite a bit in size, shape and heat. A few plants are producing monster peppers!  