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  1. B

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    I'm at Forest Lake in Brisbane, we still havent seen the worst of it yet. Up North has had a belting with 5 Tornadoes around Bundaberg and another unconfirmed at the Sunny Coast
  2. B

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Well plants have copped a drenching, 350ml of rain with more over the next 24hrs. Back yard looks like a small lake
  3. B

    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    Ended up moving my ghosts and habs into the shade, getting our turn for the heat wave this week.
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Just getting ready for bed here :P
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    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    I've just been lurking a bit. Only just started growing so completely new to it all
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    How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

    From Brisbane here but my first lot of ghosts just sprouted. Only planted them about 2 weeks back. Lucky my little garden is in a shady area so they only get a little morning sun.
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    Yellow ghosts

    My first ones have just sprouted over the last couple of days, so fingers crossed I get some good ones.
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    Yellow ghosts

    Cheers guys, only reason we thought it was a yellow ghost was it looks identical to the red ones, same style shape etc
  9. B

    Yellow ghosts

    Hi All, Was given a few seeds from a friend over here in Oz and they turned out to be yellow ghost peppers. Just curious if these are common at all? I've only ever seen red ghost peppers. Could it be a morph as such of the red ones? She does swear by them being true yellow and not some fluke...
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    Gday from Downunder

    Thanks nee :)
  11. B

    Off the Wall Diner Megadeath Burger

    Figured I'd throw this up for what Us Aussies have here. Off the Wall diner is a little burger bar located in Brisbane. This burger has made grown men cry, put a few in hospital and even had a few lock themselves in the bar's fridge. They use Blairs Megadeath sauce which is mixed with a tomato...
  12. B

    11:30 am and 107 here in nv. whats the temp where you are?

    Well its a lovely 72 here atm at 10:30am. Not sure on humidity but we did have a good drop of rain over night.
  13. B

    11:30 am and 107 here in nv. whats the temp where you are?

    Sorry mate, that was day time, about 10ish this morning over here. Night time it's still getting cool, around 12-14 degrees so about 53-55 for you guys. It's great to work in as I've got a labour intensive job. Not looking forward to the summer heats though lol
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    Attention All NFL Fans!

    Only get NFL on paid tv over here and the odd game on free to air. Follow the Denver Broncos but not a religious fan by any means.
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    11:30 am and 107 here in nv. whats the temp where you are?

    23 degrees here which is about 74 fahrenheit for you guys and around 60% humidity. Just had a bit of a shower before
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    Gday from Downunder

    Good to see a few Aussie's on here :) It was a nice burger..only thing that stopped me was the size by the time I got to the 4th quarter I was full and couldn't taste anything after that.
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    Gday from Downunder

    Hey All, Just thought I'd stop by and say hey, stumbled onto this forum while looking up some info on Blairs reserve range. My name is Ben and I'm from Brisbane Australia. Guess you could say I found my love in collecting when I did The Megadeath burger challenge over here a few weeks back...