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  1. RedNeck Chili head

    disease-pests Brown Spots and yellowish on reaper pod ?

    Best info page I have seen. Thanks
  2. RedNeck Chili head

    shopping just wanted to share a product with you guys

    Aphids not so sure but the little FN gnats do come from most soil purchased from stores. I make my own soil now.
  3. RedNeck Chili head

    pruning-topping Should I top of prune my pepper plants?

    Last year I topped half my plants and left the other half alone. Even with a short grow season my topped plants produced twice the harvest.
  4. RedNeck Chili head

    First Nice Pods this year

    wow thats fast, must live in a hot state.
  5. RedNeck Chili head

    Midwest Chileheads 4th Anniversary Sale

    Cograts on the 4 years buddy
  6. RedNeck Chili head

    10 kilos and over 2400 Dorset Naga Chillies on 1 plant!

    WOW I need the dirt contents?
  7. RedNeck Chili head

    food Sandwich of the Month

    Hell yes gointg to try this with some supper hots on it....
  8. RedNeck Chili head

    food STEAK!!

    looks good, making me hungry....
  9. RedNeck Chili head

    Wanna grow the JIGSAW Pepper??? MORE NOW!!

    I would love to add to my collection.
  10. RedNeck Chili head

    On my way!

    Good luck and think about adding the HEAT.
  11. RedNeck Chili head

    indoor-growing wanting to grow "carolina reapers" indoors

    I got reaper seeds from Joe and 2 of 10 sprouted. I just hope they produce Reapers.
  12. RedNeck Chili head

    What pepper is this?!

    looks like a Congo Giant or Moruga.
  13. RedNeck Chili head

    disease-pests Curled leaves, mostly on new growth - what is it?

    My plants did the same thing last year because of temps, you just need to wait for them to snap out of it.
  14. RedNeck Chili head

    How did you become a chillihead?

    Chemo left me with no taste buds. If it isn't HOT I can't taste it.
  15. RedNeck Chili head

    whats the best hot sauce recipe???

    I made a sauce using Yellow Fattali and pinapple white onion and apple cider viniger. Cant tell the rest it a secret.......But its a seller
  16. RedNeck Chili head

    Been waiting all year to identify this mystery...

    I grew yellow congo this year and each pod almost filled my hand, and had a special shape. I dont believe what the picture shows is a congo. Must be a cross.
  17. RedNeck Chili head

    Official Bubblegum 7 Pot thread

    Looking good. Might want to add this one to my grow list next year.
  18. RedNeck Chili head

    movies Horror movie fans unite!

    Hostel and the Hills have eyes.
  19. RedNeck Chili head

    music any metal heads on thp?

    I am a True Metal Head born and raised
  20. RedNeck Chili head

    smoking Brisket

    Wow It all looks to die eyes keeped wondering from the meat to the belly :rolleyes: 