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seeds 02-03-09 Pepper Seedling Porn

AlabamaJack said:
please do not put labels on me or call me names...I don't do those things to you and I deserve the same respect...

AJ, I have bent over backwards to assure you the word choice was poor, and that it was something I settled on for lack of a better alternative. If you object so vehemently, then discuss it. Correct my impression of your gardening methods. You said you wanted discussion, so discuss.
Pam said:
Correct my impression of your gardening methods. You said you wanted discussion, so discuss.

I don't have to ask you what your impression of my gardening methods are because I know you don't approve of the way I grow...that's what I meant when I said agree to disagree...why can't we just leave it at that...

what I was hoping to discuss was the plant growth hormone subject....whether I use it or not is not what matters. What matters is there is knowledge/technology/methods out there to increase productivity of plants/vegetables and I am very interested in that...

IMO, one of these eons we are going to need that technology to feed this worlds population and if you look there are reportedly 29,000 people that starve to death each day in africa, and I bet you that if you offered them something to eat they would take it no matter what it was or where it came from or how it was grown...

we, as a society need to insure that what we feed the world is safe and it really surprizes me that there isn't any available research to say whether it is good or bad for the environment and or health...
imaguitargod said:
You knew it was a poor word choice yet you still used it? Why not just not call people names?

I couldn't come up with a better word. I *tried*. I tried for close to an hour last night, but not even my beloved reverse dictionary could come up with anything better. Calling people names is easy, quality word wanking is hard work.
I guess we should all grow in Mexico and use DDT then? or maybe just use raw sewage. Unfortunately plants don't synthezise everything, if they did, we wouldn't have toxicity or bacterial issues etc.

Oh, excellent point. I was focusing on the chemicals, but the Salmonella outbreak last summer is a great example and even keeps on the topic of peppers. Remember, they tracked it to Serrano peppers being grown on a farm in Mexico that was watering with Salmonella tainted water? Bacteria traveling up the plant and into its fruit, and from there into the bodies of the people who ate them.

There are also systemic pesticides that are included in fertilizers for ornamentals. Mostly I've seen it for roses,but the plant takes the pesticide up through its roots and it saturates the plant to the point that any insect that tries to munch it dies.

So, there are examples of both a chemical and a bacteria that can travel through the roots and into the fruit unchanged or processed into something harmless.
I sometimes even worry about using manure now, since the outbreak:(



Have you seen anything about whether composting would take care of E coli or Salmonella?
AlabamaJack said:
we, as a society need to insure that what we feed the world is safe and it really surprizes me that there isn't any available research to say whether it is good or bad for the environment and or health...

Thats the scary part.
Pam said:
Oh, excellent point. I was focusing on the chemicals, but the Salmonella outbreak last summer is a great example and even keeps on the topic of peppers. Remember, they tracked it to Serrano peppers being grown on a farm in Mexico that was watering with Salmonella tainted water? Bacteria traveling up the plant and into its fruit, and from there into the bodies of the people who ate them.
Not really. Now, I'm slightly paraphrasing here because it was a while ago that CaJohn had this talk with me. But basically they had the scare and said it was tomatoes that it came from. When they couldn't pinpoint it, they said it was Jalapenos and blaimed a farm in Texas. When that was proven to be BS they kept switching their story around to keep people scared and make it look like they weren't the a-holes that screwed up and falsely blamed things. Then the story basically faded away because poeple didn't care meanwhile the pepper industry is tainted with yet another lie and loads of manufaturers lost money.
imaguitargod said:
Not really.

Yes, really. No one was being an asshole, they were struggling to track contamination back through a complex and shifting food production chain.
AND if you want to go furthur back into the Salmonella/ecoli scare, the real big one we had before the tomato/pepper one was the spinach and what did that turn out to be? It was due to the illegal immegrents that they hired on for cheap that weren't trained in the health standards of what goes on in American farms and they would pee, not wash their hands and pick the crops , also they would pee near the crops as well which furthur contaiminated it.
I'm now hiding my superthrive, super duper hydro sprout, and excellent burst 2-1,022-500 fertilizer I got at the hydroponics store that surely states they don't endorse the growing of illegal substances. lol.
Pam said:
Yes, really. No one was being an asshole, they were struggling to track contamination back through a complex and shifting food production chain.

Yes, there were being assholes because they made a mistake in the first place and without completely checking, they blamed something else and that turned out to be false. Instead of admitting they screwed up in the first place, they then went and blamed yet another source that turned out to be not true.

Ask alot of the manufaturers and grocery stores out there that couldn't sell their products (some even taking and throwing out loads of produce) and lost god knows how much money because of that mistake (and won't ever be compinsated for it), they tell you how much of an asshole move that was.
imaguitargod said:
Yes, there were being assholes because they made a mistake in the first place and without completely checking, they blamed something else and that turned out to be false. Instead of admitting they screwed up in the first place, they then went and blamed yet another source that turned out to be not true.

People died. It wasn't about inconveniencing grocers and manufacturers, it was about preventing more illness or death. It's a complex trail to follow back, and all they had to go on in the beginning was that people told them they ate fresh tomatoes. What if they hadn't warned people, and it turned out to be tomatoes, and in the meantime more people died?

They weren't being assholes, they were struggling to unravel a complex food distribution chain that would lead them back to the source and give people the best information they had at each point int time.
imaguitargod said:
That's not what they released to the all the news agencies at the time. Yet another perfect example of shifting blame.

Which news agencies? The cattle feces story was the only one I saw.
Pam said:
People died. It wasn't about inconveniencing grocers and manufacturers, it was about preventing more illness or death. It's a complex trail to follow back, and all they had to go on in the beginning was that people told them they ate fresh tomatoes. What if they hadn't warned people, and it turned out to be tomatoes, and in the meantime more people died?

They weren't being assholes, they were struggling to unravel a complex food distribution chain that would lead them back to the source and give people the best information they had at each point int time.
You don't jump the gun and SAY it's one thing until you have varified PROOF that it is that thing. Until then it's call inciting a panic.

You don't just yell "FIRE"! You say, hey look, is that smoke, check it out, hey it is fire. Now we yell "Fire"! They just yelled FIRE right off the bat instead of saying we think it may be this.

Pam said:
Which news agencies? The cattle feces story was the only one I saw.
All of them (FOX, Channel 5, ABC, CBS, etc etc). I was actually living in California at the time and watched it as it unfolded. The final thing that was reported on the subject was the immaigrent cause.

I'm going to bed, I'm tired.